Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sarah's in the hospital

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Day 44: Laingsburg MI to Richmond, MI

The wicked $5000 recumbant bike a day rider had. At the pub with friends this weekend.
But isn't she married? Proposing to my friend Jesi in the stands at the Celebration rally. I bought her a ring in Denver (her home town) and wore it until I saw her. :)
Ahh Kelly O'Brien. The gal I spent the weekend with and a very lovely friend. Also, her hat I wear when I wish I had dreadlocks.
The Geschiere's, my old Pastor from Riverside CRC (in Grand Rapids) and his family (some of them). I got the tattoo on my foot ("Love is epiphany")from one of his sermons and we laugh about it every time. I really enjoyed seeing them.
Will add more pictures later...have to got to Peleton!
Day 43: Grand Rapids to Laingsburg, MI
Overkill: 2 or so to the beach at the State Park.
Roadkill: 2 dead racoons, one dead cat and one live cat.
Money Spent: $10 stamps and postcards.
Favourite Person Pick: Bob. We rode together all day today and he proved to be a great rider. He really was excited to go fast, so I kept up with him and at the end of the day when he complained that his knees hurt, I said "That's what you get when you pound it Bob...oh and my knees don't hurt"....that earned a swat from him.
Favourite Part of the Day: The tailwind was amazing. Bob and I were going 35-40 km for a good chunk of the day. Also, when we bet the gear truck and Ed looked at me and I said squeamishly "We had a tailwind! And a short day? I'm sorry??" :)
Worst Part of the Day: Knowing it is 2 days until Tim comes and trying to waste my time. We got in around 1pm....and there was no internet. So I went to the beach and wrote A LOT of postcards.

This picture is actually from Friday, but I thought I would put it in because of how excited we both look to be biking together.

Monday, August 18, 2008
Grand Rapids Celebration-Sunday
After worship, we got some Chinese food and ate well and then took a nap. Actually, I called a bunch of my relatives to try to figure out where we are staying in Ontario. I have aunts and uncles and cousins all of the place, which is convienent and I think it will be fun to visit with them.
Then we headed to the Celebration Rally which was at Fifth Third Ball Park. It was massive and I really did feel like a celebrity as we walked in. I saw the Geschiere's (my old CRC pastor and his family), the Dykema's (a family from Riverside CRC), some RBC people and Jesi. It was great to talk with them all and see how they are doing.
The service was vibrant and Shane Clayborne was an excellent speaker. He spoke on what on being a dis-satisfied Christian...how we can be nonconformist to culture and transform the world through simple acts of love and charity. He worked with Mother Teresa for a while and now lives in Philadelphia with a community of people who try to minister to the people in the neighbourhood. He also has dreadlocks which makes him fantastic in my books.
Then Kelly and Amber and I went back to Kelly's for some sweet wine and reheated Chinese and we talked and fell asleep. We woke up later and headed out to camp, where Jesi met us and I showed them the gear truck, kitchen truck and we set up my tent. Then we headed to Founders where Jesi and I got the opprotunity to have a long talk. At the end of the night, we all said our goodbyes and Jesi drove Bob, Brian and I back to camp where we promptly fell asleep. We agreet to leave the next day at 8 but it's not looking so good....might be 8:30.
Day 42: Grand Haven to Grand Rapids, MI (JERUSALEM!)
Overkill: Lots. Probably about 15 k biking to Kelly's house before the mass meeting of cyclists and then biking back to her house afterwards.
Road Things: The road was surprisingly clean in Jerusalem (Grand Rapids). Perhaps a taste of things to come???
Money Spent: Okay a lot. Let's just say Kelly and I went shopping and eating. And I spent around $200 on food (a number of times), shoes, dress, shirt, cards, and other stuff. I'm going to call it "Back to School Shopping".
Quote: "Get to the back of the line, your not Sea to Sea yet Bob!" -Me when we all rode into Grand Rapids. All the new people had to ride in the back while us experienced riders rode up front. Bob was a little disappointed.
Most Interesting Person: Bob. Did I mention that I am excited to have my brother on tour. He's a little nervous because as he put it "I'm so out of shape" but I'm sure he'll do fine. He has one of the lightest bikes on tour, borrowed from a Michigan friend (Mike) and he also has a great windbreaker-a huge man beard. Anyways, he's excited and nervous to be on the tour so I guess I'll slow down to ride with him. He is, after all, my little brother.
Favourite Part of the Day: That would be a toss up between seeing Kelly or Bob. Also, riding with over 300 cyclists into Calvin was pretty neat. There were people lining the street cheering, with signs and lots of excitement. Holding our line at the front (5 cyclists wide) was fun as we followed Motorcycle Bill.
Worst Part of the Day: I'm in Mecca, there is no bad day!
Today was a fabulous ride. It was short, there were so many stops, I can't even remember where they were. There were random people sitting at their houses with signs, cheering us on. It was beautiful. I rode with Brian and Matt the entire day and when we got to Tyler's house, we decided to go visit my friend Kelly. She was very excited to see me (after I finally found her apartment door in this huge old house) and we made plans to meet up later.
Then we drove to an area where all the cyclists were meeting so we could drive into Calvin together. I saw Bob and gave him a big hug. I'm really glad that he is doing the last two weeks with me because I think it's going to be the best section. Plus, I get to see him cringe as we make some bigger climbs in NY.
We drove into Calvin and I immediately started the task of emptying the gear truck because I wanted to gget moving to Kelly's house. I grabbed my pack, took my stuff out of the gear truck so it could get cleaned and headed out to Kelly's.
We went out to lunch at this great place called "The Green Well" which is a gastro pub (an environmentally friendly restaurant with good quality food and a pub atmosphere). I think I had the best beer I had on the tour there. It was a dark stout with vanilla and java flavours and it was made in Detroit. Unfortunately I forget the name.
Kelly and I took the bus to Woodland Mall and we shopped until we dropped, which was lovely. Then we went to Founders to meet up with some of her friends and afterwords, we went to Mobcat, another bar and met up with some people from Sea to Sea and other RBC friends. It was a very good time talking with everyone about the tour and what they are doing. I was the DD, and afterwards took people home and then slept at Kelly's. This is probably the part of the trip that feels most like a vacation even though Grand Rapids is so familiar to me. I think it's the friends.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Day 41: South Haven, MI to Grand Haven, MI

This is the coffee shop-Uncommon Grounds that we stopped in the cute town of Sagatuck. It was VERY cute but pricey. Nice atmosphere-on the lake.
In the town of Grafschap, we visited a CRC for lunch and downstairs there was a museam related to the Dutch immigrants in the 1840's and of course, John Calvin. Here is our animated tour guide. He was very knowledgable and awesome!
Holland was just down the road and we found a different kind of museam. Here is Johnny (notice the Correctional Officer biking jersey) and Brian.
Once again, ordered the sampler. Which was a delight but pricey ($8).
Here is Johnny encouraging his friend to go faster because "Sarah said she's slowing!! We can't make Sarah go slower! GO, GO, GO!"
One mile from the conference ground, there was a group of people with signs, blueberries and water. I love this kind of treatment. The first question is always "Where are you from?" The second, "Are you doing the whole tour?" And the comment I hear most? "I can't believe this...they are all Canadians!"
Ahh the gear truck. Parked for all to see at the CRC Conference grounds (which are beautiful and very full by the way).
And tomorrow I'm looking forward to seeing Bob, my brother. It's not the man I'm looking for, but hey, it's blood.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Day 40: Chesteron, ID to South Haven, MI
Actual kms: 138 kms
Overkill: 5 or so. There was a short detour and I headed into South Haven right after my shower so I could catch up on blogging and hopefully get some work done.
Quote: "Michigan! Michigan! I like to ride my bicycle, I like to ride to Michigan!" -Me singing to the "I Like to Ride My Bicycle" song by Queen...with varied lyrics of course. I was really excited to get to Michigan today. As you can tell.
Road Things: Dead fox, racoon and a live great blue heron.
Money Spent: $2 Taco Bell potatoes/soft taco, $7 Frappalatte and Chocolate Eclairs. How long has it been since you ate an éclair? I forgot that they were that delicious.
Most Interesting Person Pick: Jim. His name is easy to remember because it is my Dad's name. He is from N.Y and I think is one of the only people who did the Denver to G.R leg. He is heading back home because he has to work but he's a great cyclist with a beautiful black Cannondale bike. He looks like a dutch immigrant straight from the boat, but he's actually a long time New Yorker. Great accent. He always says hi and is encouraging on the road.
Favourite Part of the Day: Getting into Michigan. It made me realize that the weekend and having Bob on the ride is almost here. I really think the last two weeks with Bob are going to be the most enjoyable and memorable. I loved having him at the same college as me because you get to reflect on that experience for the rest of your lives. Same for Sea to Sea hopefully.
Worst Part of the Day: Today, getting up. Especially with not talking to Tim last night and having a "longer" day today with headwind. Tomorrow and Saturday are short so that is exciting.
Today I started off with not wanting to get out of bed. Then I thought to myself "It's less than a week until you get to see Tim and only a few days until you are in Grand Rapids and get to see Kelly and Jesi and Bob." And that convinced me to get up even though I couldn't find my clock to see what time it was. Later I found out it was before 6 am and I thought to myself "Next time, don't try to convince yourself." :)
I started off the ride with Josh (the "new" guy), Nathan B and Jim from N.Y. I asked them if I could be in their groups as they were leaving and I was heading to the washroom. I told them that I would catch up but Jim said he would be embarrassed if I did, so they would wait. :)
We set a good pace and were racing along some bigger/busier roads. We had a wind, so we took turns pulling in a pace line. They wanted to stop at the first SAG, so I left them and kept going until Michigan, where I took this picture...and one of Indiana (since I didn't have an official one).

We drove by many amazing homes along Lake MI today. I thought that you would really like that drive Mom. I could just imagine hearing you say "Oh Jim, look at that!"
Lake Michigan.
We stopped at Julie's SAG and Eritia showed up so I decided to bike with her. We did the next 80 kms at a decent pace (averaging around 30 k) and were pretty quite as we went up and down the black topped empty road. It was pretty windy (welcome to Lake Michigan I guess) and so we pulled for each other the rest of the way. We got into camp just before the gear truck around 1 pm, but with the time change today that was 2 pm. The middle school we are staying at is nice but the showers were not great you had to press this button constantly to shower and it was really stiff. :( Probably should have taken a swim in the lake. I set up the tent and took off to find wireless and here I am.

Day 39: Palos Heights, IL to Chesterton, ID
Overkill: Really 3 or so driving to the beach to call people. The map was a little off because of the bike path again. So this week is a “short week” technically but everyone seems to be putting on extra kms.
Quote: "What! THIS is our sign to Indiana?" -Me after seeing that once again, there was no state sign. Rethinking my words now, it was nice of the Sea to Sea people (namely Art and Coby who mark the roads) to put a sign to Indiana.
Road Things: Lots of ducks, small birds, chipmunks and squirrels again.
Money Spent: $20 on phone card…I think. I’m still not sure because my phone card didn’t work after I called Mom and Dad and the service guys hung up on me three times as I was trying to figure it out.
Most Interesting Person Pick: Brian. "What a friend I have in Brian, all my moods and griefs to bear (singing)"...but seriously, Brian is a great guy. When I'm tired and I go slower than I should, he just bikes with me patiently. When I'm moody because I'd rather be biking with my boyfriend, he just shuts up and gives me space. Brian is an all around good guy.
Favourite Part of the Day: Breakfast at Janessa’s house. We had bacon, eggs, English muffins, and freshly pressed coffee. Also, we got to just sit there and chill….fold some laundry, talk to Greg, before we had to get on our bikes.
Worst Part of the Day: Not being able to call Tim and driving back to the campsite in the pitch dark.

Breakfast with the Ferrell's. Janessa had to leave before the picture.
Today Brian and I got to camp around 8:30 after a long drive through rush hour Chicago traffic with Greg. We decided to visit the Ghetto with an alternate group. We wanted to visit Roseland Christian Ministries which houses women/children and feeds about 250 people each day in the south side of Chicago. Since we were heading into the ghetto, we were told to travel in a group. The picture above is my group. Today was a lot of starting, stopping and shouting, "Slowing" or "Stopping" or "Car back" or "Green, go, go!"
We stood in a circle, and did some introductions and prayed for the ministry. Then a lot of rich, white bikers left the ghetto feeling a little bit uncomfortable that not one of our riders is a shade darker than "cream".
Our sign into Indiana. I think the Sea to Sea people felt badly about having no Illinois sign.
Stuffing my face with Pieter, minister of First CRC in London. He's doing really well (he just started in Madison) and complimented me on my pace today.
This picture is finally getting to the park. We left at 9, had a long lunch in the middle so it was later rather than sooner getting there. I think it was around 2 or 3. I had a shower, set up camp after unloading the gear truck and had some delicious treats from some CRC ladies who set up over 45 plates of goodies and lemonade. Mmm. The beach at the state park was beautiful so a lot of people went swimming but I was good and did some planning for school and encouragment note writing. I just need some postcards so I can finish sending those.
Day 38: Woodstock IL to Palos Heights, IL
Overkill Kms: 25 kms. Brian and I got lost (as most people did) on the 60 km Fox Run Bike path today. It wasn’t exactly the most pleasant experience, but it was early in the day so it wasn’t horrible.
Road Things: A bunny that ran right in front of Brian. Lots of small birds and squirrels, a toad, ducks, Canadian Geese and a crane along the water.
Money Spent: Notta. :)
Quote: “I heard that there is a certain CRC in Chicago that hasn’t promoted the amazing Sea to Sea tour Pastor Fred….” –Me to Fred. He sheepishly agreed that he forgot.
Most Interesting Person Pick: Janessa Vankampen. Her face was like a ray of sunshine after the difficult day. She also waited for us because we got in late (close to 5!).
Favourite Part of the Day: Eating Tostitos and cheese dip in the car as Janessa took us to her Uncle Fred’s while we had dinner. It was good catch up time and then we got to eat a delicious meal.
Worst Part of the Day: In the middle of the day, about 15 kms left on the bike path, we didn’t know where we were and there was no markings because the SAGs couldn’t get on the path. It was frustrating because often we were like “Where do we go now?”
Today I rode with Brian for the entire day. We were on a bike path for 60 kms and we got lost. By the end of the path, we were both frustrated and ready to hit a road with road signs and those lovely orange arrows that Art and Coby mark out for us.

We stopped at this amazing library so that we could check my email and see if Janessa was picking us up. When one of the librarian's heard what we were doing, she called down the public relations library lady and she interviewed us and took this picture.
We did get to stop for lunch at a local CRC that provided lunch for us and that was wonderful! Here is me stopping to stuff my face. Mmmm.

Waiting for the train.
When we finally got to Trinity Christian College, Janessa and Renita and a couple from Frederiction (along with a painted van) were waiting there for us. That was an awesome sight. We drove to Janessa's (a good friend from PEI) uncle's house and we ate and ate. Then we showered, did some laundry, had a beer and enjoyed some very humiliating games of ping pong with Greg. I like playing people I can beat better....like Brian and Matt and Peter (well almost). :) I slept like a baby in the guest room. It was nice to have clean sheets.

Monday, August 11, 2008
Day 37: Madison, WI to Woodstock, IL
Overkill: 8 or so, meandering and going to the bike store in Woodstock and the city square (which is very nice).
Money Spent: $130 yesterday on school supplies at the Learning Store, which a resident of
Madison (Merle) graciously took me to. I am excited to have nametags and new posters! $12 eyebrows waxed (yes, I know, expensive but sometimes, you have to feel somewhat beautiful).
Roadthings: Racoon (dead). Lots of corn and soybeans. Oh, two live hawks.
Quote: "What we're in Illinois..oh man! We missed the sign!" -Me after realizing we were in Illinois and we didn't take a "Welcome to Illinois" picture. I think they forgot to put a sign.
Favourite Person Pick: Ann. Levina, you know her from the 2005 tour. She rode with Matt and I for the last 30 kms and she kept up a very good pace. She is 55 and a very strong biker with a good sense of humour. We talked a lot about the Canadian tour and how it compares to this one. Apparently they saw greater diversity (wildlife, nature) on the Canadian tour but we have less rain on this tour! Also, the first tour had less mountians (climbs) but probably more camaraderie in the group.
Favourite Part of the Day: Eating at the Devenian CRC at 80 kms into the ride. The food and generousity was amazing.
Worst Part of the Day: Last night I scratched a bug bite right on the top of my foot and since I don't wear socks when riding (don't worry, I wash my shoes out at least every ten days...which reminds me...), my scratch got a little sore while riding.
Today was an excellent riding day. Matt and I rode the first 80 kms and it time flew! Maybe it is because we realized that there are only 17 more riding days, or maybe it was the subject matter of our conversation. Not sure, but it flew. We were trying to be in early because we had "Sweep" duties of setting up tables and the canopys that cover the food. We stopped breifly in Wisconsin at a cheese and wine tasting place. It was a little early for the wine but the Salami Cheddar and the Chocolate Fudge Cheese were great.
But we did stop at Devenian CRC for some excellent stewed beef and sloppy joe sandwiches. There was tons of pasta salads, jello salads and brownies and ice cream for desert. Let's just say that if you love food, that is a major reason you should go on any foreseeable upcoming Sea to Sea's.
We left there around 11:30 and rode up the beautiful country roads in 75 degree (22ish?) weather. We rode with Ann for a while and went to the bike store when we got into Woodstock (around 1:30). Didn't find the detours stem bag that I was looking for, so Matt and I headed to downtown where he got something for his fiance and I got my eyebrows waxed. There were lots of Sea to Seaer's having a drink or enjoying the beautiful downtown square.
I headed back to camp after finding a St.Bernard in a bookstore (no spending though...thank you, thank you) and had a shower, set up the tent and helped with Sweep duties. Now I've headed to the library (which may be the most beautiful library I've ever seen and contributes to the desire I have to want to be a librarian). I'm planning on heading to the local Starbucks to have a little coffee and do some school work and maybe read. Ahh, the perks of being in early. :)
Unfortunately, the library won't let me upload the four pictures I took today, so I will do that later. Signing off.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Day 36: Fennimore, WI to Madison, WI

This is the bike path we (Jess, Julie and I) rode on today. I think it was the first time I have ridden the whole day with girls and it was kind of relaxing. We went at a 25 km/h pace or slower and it was nice.

A very excited Sarah opening her mail when she got to the church. I recieved two packages and ten letters. This one is from my parents.

Finding my very old Powerpuff Girls lunchbox in the package...hopefully there is something inside?

Oh yeah! Red P.E.I hat and empty Tim Hortans cups....

And $20 of Tim Hortons money...score!

Here is the entire group riding together to the church.
Here are some pictures that Tyler took of us on the day we did Bertha's pass. They are pretty cool.
This is when I got to the top.