Thursday, August 14, 2008

Day 39: Palos Heights, IL to Chesterton, ID

Actual Kms: 98 kms

Overkill: Really 3 or so driving to the beach to call people. The map was a little off because of the bike path again. So this week is a “short week” technically but everyone seems to be putting on extra kms.

Quote: "What! THIS is our sign to Indiana?" -Me after seeing that once again, there was no state sign. Rethinking my words now, it was nice of the Sea to Sea people (namely Art and Coby who mark the roads) to put a sign to Indiana.

Road Things: Lots of ducks, small birds, chipmunks and squirrels again.

Money Spent: $20 on phone card…I think. I’m still not sure because my phone card didn’t work after I called Mom and Dad and the service guys hung up on me three times as I was trying to figure it out.

Most Interesting Person Pick: Brian. "What a friend I have in Brian, all my moods and griefs to bear (singing)"...but seriously, Brian is a great guy. When I'm tired and I go slower than I should, he just bikes with me patiently. When I'm moody because I'd rather be biking with my boyfriend, he just shuts up and gives me space. Brian is an all around good guy.

Favourite Part of the Day: Breakfast at Janessa’s house. We had bacon, eggs, English muffins, and freshly pressed coffee. Also, we got to just sit there and chill….fold some laundry, talk to Greg, before we had to get on our bikes.

Worst Part of the Day: Not being able to call Tim and driving back to the campsite in the pitch dark.

Breakfast with the Ferrell's. Janessa had to leave before the picture.

Today Brian and I got to camp around 8:30 after a long drive through rush hour Chicago traffic with Greg. We decided to visit the Ghetto with an alternate group. We wanted to visit Roseland Christian Ministries which houses women/children and feeds about 250 people each day in the south side of Chicago. Since we were heading into the ghetto, we were told to travel in a group. The picture above is my group. Today was a lot of starting, stopping and shouting, "Slowing" or "Stopping" or "Car back" or "Green, go, go!"

We stood in a circle, and did some introductions and prayed for the ministry. Then a lot of rich, white bikers left the ghetto feeling a little bit uncomfortable that not one of our riders is a shade darker than "cream".

Our sign into Indiana. I think the Sea to Sea people felt badly about having no Illinois sign.

Stuffing my face with Pieter, minister of First CRC in London. He's doing really well (he just started in Madison) and complimented me on my pace today.

This picture is finally getting to the park. We left at 9, had a long lunch in the middle so it was later rather than sooner getting there. I think it was around 2 or 3. I had a shower, set up camp after unloading the gear truck and had some delicious treats from some CRC ladies who set up over 45 plates of goodies and lemonade. Mmm. The beach at the state park was beautiful so a lot of people went swimming but I was good and did some planning for school and encouragment note writing. I just need some postcards so I can finish sending those.

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