Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 2: Tuesday: Sultan to Leavenworth

Actual Kms- 130 km
Overkill- 0 km
Road Things-half a snake, deer, glasses, fort, Giant Jet flying overhead.
Interesting Person Pick: Jake Kuypers, Claire Biermans brother, who rode the last 5 kms up the top of the mountain with me and all the way down. He was a great encourager and very fast (for an older guy especially).
Money Spent: $6 new magnet for my bike speedometer since I lost it in my fall yesterday, $6 Coldstone ice cream, $5 postcards/stamps, $10 phone card.
Wipeouts: 0 :)
Favourtie Part of the Day: Being the 10th rider into camp and the second girl after 7 hours of riding. Also - meeting and riding to town with Eritia - the girl who got to camp first.
Worst Part of the Day: The last 10 km of the mountain. Ahhh.

Today was the toughest day of my life. I climbed 3000 ft in elevation in 15 kms and by the end - had to stop every 2 km. It was brutal - but when I saw the SAG (water/relief/other sea to sea people) wagon at the top of the mountian and knew that it was all downhill from there - I was pumped! It was the longest ride of my life but we got to ride for 15 km downhill at 50 km/h. And the river was beautiful with amazing rapids (see pics soon). The river was on our right with the mountains and cliffs on the left. The scenery was incredibly gorgeous. I rode with Brian Garrett for the first 60 km and we said "Who are we that we get to do this?" God is good to us.

Day 1: Monday: Seattle to Sultan, WA

Actual Kms: 93
Overkill Kms: 12
Road Things: dead snake, racoon with three babies.
Intersting Person Pick: Hans, as in Hans Solo. He was my leader on our first trip out of Seattle, a Mountain Equipment Company guy who goes to Regent College and very sincere. Excellent biker.
Money Spent: $0
Wipeouts: 1 which equaled 3 bruises on the leg and one very sore bum. I wiped out 5 kms in on our way to the tire dipping ceremony because I didn't go over the railroad tracks on a 90 degree angle. Bummer.
Favourite Part of the Day: Seeing the tents in the field as we came in and hearing the comment, "We look like the Israelites". I'd like to add "except in colour".
Worst Part of the Day: Falling 5 kms into the ride. Embarassing.

It was a great day! We dipped our tires in the great blue Pacific and left the beach with our group (Group 8). We had an accident - a 77 year old woman named Agatha hit a pole in the middle of the trail we were taking and generally speaking, people were nervous and jumpy. We took a long time to complete our journey - from 10 am to 5 pm. Blah.
We did visit a wine tasting shop (see video soon) only to find out that it wasn't free. Being Dutch, we left without a taste. :) I was worried today about pacing tomorrow and being able to work with someone else in a group without being slowed down. But I slept well...back to the 8:30 bedtime.