Actual Kms: 160 (oh yeah....another Century)
Overkill: 5 or so around town
Road Things: LOTS of racoons, squirrels and a dead dear.
Money Spent: $19 earrings, $2 donuts for me, Bob and Matt, $23 dress and nailpolish (gotta look good for tomorrow) and I also went to Tim Hortons (yes they do exist in the states) but used the gift certificates.
Most Interesting Person Pick: Claire. He rides a recumbant and today he said that I looked "very nice". I think it's because I am glowing with excitement for tomorrow.
Favourite Part of the Day: Painting my toenails behind the school while listening to Sufjan Stevens. I haven't painted my toenails in at least two years.
Worst Part of the Day: We had a wicked headwind all day but still managed to average 28 km/h with Bob, myself, Julia, Jeff, Matt and Brian.
Today we decided to get up and start riding at 6:30 but I was the late one this morning. We started riding at 6:45 and our group (listed above) paced ourselves well into the headwind. There were 5 SAG stops today to split up the long 153 kms. We had one long stop about 65 kms in at a donut shop.
About 20 km after that we were in a pace line (I was about third in) and we stopped at a stop sign. The next section of pavement looked like it had a shoulder, but it was actually gravel matching the colour of the pavement. The lead yelled "Gravel!" but by that time I was already in the gravel, trying to slow down, unclip and turn out of it at the same time. I realizied I was going to fall so I decided to fall gently on my right leg and scratched it up. My pride was hurt worse. Bob felt pretty bad because he was in the lead, but I just hopped back on my bike and said "We're in the middle of the road, let's keep going." And we did. As my Dad would say "If the horse bucks you off, get right back on".
So we got to camp early, around 2 pm and we were within the first 10 people in. Bob was motoring with me for the last 30 kms (aroun 38 k) and he was a little sore. But we unloaded the gear truck and then set up camp. I showered and then went shopping. Ironically I met Bob at K-Mart buying dishes. :) We went to Tim Hortans, had some delicious coffee and soup and headed back to camp for supper. After Peleton tonight I am going to call Tim and then I am going to try to get some sleep tonight. I am pretty excited to see him tomorrow!

The wicked $5000 recumbant bike a day rider had.
At the pub with friends this weekend.
But isn't she married? Proposing to my friend Jesi in the stands at the Celebration rally. I bought her a ring in Denver (her home town) and wore it until I saw her. :)

Ahh Kelly O'Brien. The gal I spent the weekend with and a very lovely friend. Also, her hat I wear when I wish I had dreadlocks.

The Geschiere's, my old Pastor from Riverside CRC (in Grand Rapids) and his family (some of them). I got the tattoo on my foot ("Love is epiphany")from one of his sermons and we laugh about it every time. I really enjoyed seeing them.
Will add more pictures later...have to got to Peleton!