Overkill Kms: Today was only supposed to be about 150 kms but it turned into 160. I only did a few kms in town, so the rest must have been winding and stops.
Road Stuff: Dead racoons, dead foxes- very flattened, dead pigeon, lots of grasshoppers again.
Money Spent: $7 Orea Shake at Baskin Robbins and batteries for camera. $0.95 coffee at Sehnert's Bakery in McCook. $8 Shampoo, brush and gatorade. $2 Post Office package. $2.50 pint from last night...yes U.S beer is that cheap.
Wipeouts: 0. One bad bump where I unclipped by accident, but no fall.
Interesting Person Pick: I need to socialize more because once again I don't really have anyone. Brian rode with me for the first 2 hours and I spent a lot of time with my music and the open road. Mmm...maybe I need to be more inclusive. The girls at this bakery just got my blog address though...can I count them?
Favourite Part of the Day: After I showered and set up my tent, Brian and I went to the ALCO, which is like Giant Tiger and I got shampoo, a brush and gatorade. We met four other cyclists, including Jono (the photographer who rode a bike today-the whole way) and we sat in the store, eating ice cream and just enjoying the day.
Worst Part of the Day: When I got to Julie's SAG-which was 20 kms from McCook, the sun was really bright-it was about 12:30 and I was pooped. I felt dehydrated, but had forced myself to keep sipping from my camelback the entire day.

Today was a long day. I woke up at 6 (seems I can't make myself get up earlier than that) and headed out with Brian Garrett today. He said he wanted to boot it (go fast) the entire way to camp and I said I would keep up with him for as long as I could. He was gracious and slowed down a little and we pulled each other-taking turns riding in front at around 32-35 km/h for about two and a half hours. Then we got to Walter's SAG and decided that we would go at our own pace, use our arrow bars and listen to music. That's where I lost speedy Brian, but he was very good incentive to go fast for a while.
This is a picture about 15 kms into our journey. We were wondering if Nebraska is the good life, why are their shotgun holes in the sign?

When I finally got to McCook, I realized it was probably big enough to have a Dairy Queen, so after chasing down a few pedestrians, I found a Baskin Robbins and had an oreo/chocolate ice cream shake....the perfect recovery food. What I mean by recovery is, after a particularily hard ride, your body is pretty depleted of calories and needs something to bring your energy back up. A.k.a ice cream. Mmm. That's my version anyways. Today I did an average of 26 km/h which isn't my best, I guess I'll blame it on the headwind.
Then I headed into camp, found a nice cool shower, set up the tent and headed to ALCO with Brian to get shampoo, a brush and gatorade (yep, I was still thirsty...and as Betsy our nurse says, "Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate"). We sat at the ALCO for a while and then I found wireless internet at a bakery. The picture is me blogging this post entry. I also mailed Tim's letter and now I'm going to write some postcards and maybe read before supper in thirty minutes. I really don't want to go outside because as soon as you do, your skin is covered in sweat. So far, Nebraska isn't all that impressive.