Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 13: Saturday: to Huntington, OR to Boise, ID

Actual Kms: 116 kms

Overkill Kms: 11 kms-to town and a few short wrong turns.

Road Stuff: Dead birds, bison on the side of the road and lots of dust. Also, when we got to Boise, there was a kind of sand in the cracks of the road.
Money Spent: Again-not good. Let’s see, we stopped at Java House where I got Hummus for lunch and a coffee $10, Then I got a card for someone $5, and I went out to celebrate 2 weeks done and ate nacho’s and mile high pie and had a drink-$10. But the good news is I went to a great bike shop and didn’t spend a thing.

Wipeouts: Notta.

Interesting Person Pick: Brian Garrett. Brian and I didn’t bike today, but we did hang out at “The Ram”-a pub in Boise. He shared a lot of very cool music including a Buddy Holly song and some other stuff that made me want to immediately go out and download all of the stuff I heard. Good taste Brian. Also, Brian is great because we are tight since we are both from PEI. We look out for each other. Like this morning at breakfast (Sunday), I tried to sit down gracefully in my skirt while holding a plate of food and coffee and the coffee spilt. So he let me lean against his knees. Also, he’s a fabulous biker.

Favourite Part of the Day: Probably when we- The Sweet Team- got to the middle SAG wagon (Walter Vink’s) and Hans said “Wow, Sarah, you are totally the anchour of team. You were booting it in that pace line” and other people we had passed agreed. It was nice because sometimes I feel like the slow one in Team Sweet, but apparently, I’m not holding them back. YES!

Worst Part of the Day: Trying to figure out the phone card thing. First I thought I would buy a new one since my minutes are used up, but none were as cheap as the one I have. Then I thought I would try to recharge the card I have, but none of the stores in Boise could do that for me. Then we figured out I had to call a number to recharge it. And then the phone people needed a zip code and I only have a postal code, and I waited for 15 minutes for the operator. Then a Sea to Sea guy offered to let me use his card, which was great. But the whole process was a wee bit frustrating.

Today I woke up a little late, but Team Sweet was in the same situation, so we left at around 8 am and set a good pace. We kind of booked it actually and I was pushing myself, not hard, but just pushing myself to keep up. I kept telling myself “This is good for you Sarah, think of the Rockies, think of the 190 km days…keep going fast”. Annette also joined us today, she’s a beautiful gal who rides well. She found it hard to keep up, but I told her “I find it challenging too, but that’s why I ride with these guys.” This is Matt Zantingh about to go down a huge hill. There was a stop sign at the bottom, and it was really hard to stop. I was going 66 km/hour and I have never used my brakes so much.

When we got to Boise around 12:15, we stopped at Java House to rest our weary bums and I had a coffee and delicious hummus. As always, lots of people had questions about our trip and were excited about Sea to Sea. Boise seems to be quite the cycling town. Java House in Boise.

Then we visited George’s-the biggest bicycle shop I have ever seen. We all meandered, picking up the lightest bike frames ever and drooling over just about everything in the store, but not spending anything. Then we headed to camp and just as I got there, a van was leaving to do laundry, so I grabbed my bag and headed out. This is Joan (from Ontario) and I doing laundry. The place right next to the laundromat was a beauty salon that was just opening up. It was called “Just Us” and these two ladies were serving amazing food (for free) and giving 15 minute massages (for free). Joan and I couldn’t believe our luck. I decided to give my hair a crop, and the lady didn’t even charge me! So, we really were blessed by those ladies and they enjoyed hearing our story. This was a cool crack in the wall. Kinda looked like to might be fun to climb.

Then I headed back to camp and helped the sweep team hose out the gear truck, set up supper and clean up. We had tacos. Then I finally called Tim which is always good and probably the best part of my day everyday. However, if I kept putting that as my "Most Interesting Part of the Day", I think my readership might drop off. If any students are reading, you are probably noticing that I am writing with a lot of “Then” or “And then’s”. As a disclaimer, this is not good writing, but I am very tired.

Later that evening a group of about 30 of us headed out to closer to downtown Boise and went to “The Ram”, a huge brewery. We sat, ate and laughed and cheered to Joel, who is leaving on Sunday. Joel is closest.

Today is Sunday morning and I'm not writing another post, so here's so far. I slept in until 8 am and then went to breakfast. I’m feeling pretty chipper here at Starbucks because I just watched a lot of video’s of Tim and some from Sea to Sea. I want to figure out how to post them on my blog. Maybe I will ask Jono, the techno guy to help.

Also, Len-our chaplain asked if I would speak at one of the Celebration Services soon. Usually we have one or two cyclists speak. I don’t really know what to say. I mean, I could say the usual “My fundraising was so easy” or “The ride has been a great experience” but that isn’t really meaningful. I could mention the interesting facts like “I grew up in PEI” or “Last summer I was in a 30 km bike realy and I biked so hard that I threw up afterwards and I also came in last. This was not good incentive to go on this tour”. Interesting but gross.

But I have been singing a particular song a lot during my rides, especially when I’m alone and in a beautiful place. And I’ve thought about singing that. But it’s a little nerve wracking because, first off, I wouldn’t have anyone to accompany me, and secondly, I haven’t sung in front of a group for a long time. But I will write out the lyrics for you know, and you can tell me what you think. It’s a song by Carolyn Arends from B.C.

I don’t know quite who I am anymore
I don’t know if that’s normal or not,
I don’t know if I know you at all anymore,
At least not in the way that I thought.

But I know there are canyons in Utah
Red as fire, and high as the sky,
And they make me cry.
Cause I don’t know one other love
Who would go to such lengths to break through.
So I know, it has to be you.
It has to be you.

Well if I’ve built my hopes on mirrors and smoke
If it’s all been a dream from the start
Why then can’t I deny the yearning inside?
Coinciding with the beat of my heart.

There’s a voice that I cannot hear in my ear.
There’s a voice I can hear all the same.
There’s a voice that speaks in my dreams and my fears
It is endlessly calling my name.
And on warm summer breezes it whispers
Rivers carry it’s soft lullyby and it makes me cry.

Cause I don’t know one other love
that would go to such lengths to break through
So I know, it has to be you.
It has to be you.

The song is a little vulnerable though and I don’t know if I want to sing it in front of such a large crowd. But it’s the way I’ve been feeling lately….that God is most present in his general revelation-Creation. Not in a New Agey kind of way, but in the way that is tangible and claimable for all those who believe our world was made, is made and belongs to God. That I see him most in his world, in the long empty spaces, the craggy peaks, and the gold fields of wheat; is what Schwanda (an old college professor) would say is totally appropriate. And in this way, God speaks to the whole world, not just us Christian few. Which I love. And now to listen.

This is a picture of Brain and Jono (Photographer and friend of Kelly-O) at Jolts and Juice in Huntington yesterday.

This is the cool history of the bicycle poster he had at the coffee shop. He used to own a bike shop.