Actual Kms: 92 km
Overkill: 9 km into La Grande and back to Pioneer Park
Road Things: possum, bird, lots of live deer in the bush.
Money Spent: Ouch. Almost don't want to admit today's spending. $2.25 split a banana split with Brian when we came into town, $35 new red helmet because the owner of the La Grande bike store told me my helmet was safe but sketchy...not a lot of ventilation and I needed a visor anyways, $45 new polorized sunglasses...I finally caved and bought some, $2 whopper jr and cheesy potatoes...I know, I know, I have to get out of the habit of having two suppers.
Most Interesting Person Pick: Stephanie Webb who is sitting opposite me in the library right now. She is an friend of Trevor and Tanya and has a wicked bike. She is doing a stretching class which I think will help now that my knee has gotten a little sore.
Favourite Part of the Day: Coming into camp. The last 30 kms or so of the ride, I just wanted to get to camp.
Worst Part of the Day: Surprisingly, it wasn't the 15 km climb at the beginning. It was definitely following the interstate and going down on a 5% grid down for 3 miles. We were clocking 60 km and that was a little scary for interstate riding. I'm still using my brakes becuase I'm scared of falling at such a fast speed. However, I just need to have faith that I'm going to be taken care of.
Today I made Team Sweet leave camp at 7:00 am. I knew we were going to have a hot day and a tough ride, so I whipped them into shape using my best teacher voice ever. "Let's gooooo Team Sweep, we got a hill to climb," I called up. We rode up a huge hill/mountain in Oregon that had the wickedest hair pin turns I've ever seen. It was tough, but most of the climbs were short and steep, the way I like them.

We continued doing the up and down (hilly) thing through beautiful forests and saw some wildlife. But then, then things got ugly. We did a very slow uphill climb that was brutally legs were tired and I was beat and the sun was getting hotter by the minute. I was riding by myself for about 10 kms and that was nice but I needed some encouragement. Brian came along and said "Let's go Turpentine" (which is his nickname for me). We finished the climb and were rewarded with a beautiful winding downhill of 10 kms. It was lovely.
We jumped on the interstate and headed to La Grande but Brian got a providential flat tire. I say providential because Jodie and Matt Z and Hans all caught up to us and Team Sweet was reunited for the ride into camp. Along the way, we spotted a sweet ice cream store where about 10 others were eating and so we joined the feeding frenzy.

We found La Grande's bike store and I got a new helmet. Jodie accompanied me to Apple Glasses, and I found some relatively cheap polorized sunglasses. Then we headed into camp, signed into the gear truck and went swimming at the pool right on sight. It was free and cold. I had a shower, ate a burger and now I am at the library; already looking forward to my second dinner. I will try to post pictures when the internet at camp is up. Thanks for reading.
Overkill: 9 km into La Grande and back to Pioneer Park
Road Things: possum, bird, lots of live deer in the bush.
Money Spent: Ouch. Almost don't want to admit today's spending. $2.25 split a banana split with Brian when we came into town, $35 new red helmet because the owner of the La Grande bike store told me my helmet was safe but sketchy...not a lot of ventilation and I needed a visor anyways, $45 new polorized sunglasses...I finally caved and bought some, $2 whopper jr and cheesy potatoes...I know, I know, I have to get out of the habit of having two suppers.
Most Interesting Person Pick: Stephanie Webb who is sitting opposite me in the library right now. She is an friend of Trevor and Tanya and has a wicked bike. She is doing a stretching class which I think will help now that my knee has gotten a little sore.
Favourite Part of the Day: Coming into camp. The last 30 kms or so of the ride, I just wanted to get to camp.
Worst Part of the Day: Surprisingly, it wasn't the 15 km climb at the beginning. It was definitely following the interstate and going down on a 5% grid down for 3 miles. We were clocking 60 km and that was a little scary for interstate riding. I'm still using my brakes becuase I'm scared of falling at such a fast speed. However, I just need to have faith that I'm going to be taken care of.
Today I made Team Sweet leave camp at 7:00 am. I knew we were going to have a hot day and a tough ride, so I whipped them into shape using my best teacher voice ever. "Let's gooooo Team Sweep, we got a hill to climb," I called up. We rode up a huge hill/mountain in Oregon that had the wickedest hair pin turns I've ever seen. It was tough, but most of the climbs were short and steep, the way I like them.

We continued doing the up and down (hilly) thing through beautiful forests and saw some wildlife. But then, then things got ugly. We did a very slow uphill climb that was brutally legs were tired and I was beat and the sun was getting hotter by the minute. I was riding by myself for about 10 kms and that was nice but I needed some encouragement. Brian came along and said "Let's go Turpentine" (which is his nickname for me). We finished the climb and were rewarded with a beautiful winding downhill of 10 kms. It was lovely.
We jumped on the interstate and headed to La Grande but Brian got a providential flat tire. I say providential because Jodie and Matt Z and Hans all caught up to us and Team Sweet was reunited for the ride into camp. Along the way, we spotted a sweet ice cream store where about 10 others were eating and so we joined the feeding frenzy.

We found La Grande's bike store and I got a new helmet. Jodie accompanied me to Apple Glasses, and I found some relatively cheap polorized sunglasses. Then we headed into camp, signed into the gear truck and went swimming at the pool right on sight. It was free and cold. I had a shower, ate a burger and now I am at the library; already looking forward to my second dinner. I will try to post pictures when the internet at camp is up. Thanks for reading.