Friday, August 15, 2008

Day 41: South Haven, MI to Grand Haven, MI

Actual Kms: 77 kms. Yah for easy days.

Overkill: Notta.

Money Spent: $4 coffee/bar in Sagatuck, $16 beer and nachos in Holland (I shared), $1 laundry, $3 ice cream/pie.

Food Eaten: Just for today, I thought I would include what I have eaten. This is a pretty typical day.
Breakfast: Four mini bagels with strawberry cream cheese and decaf coffee (no regular).
First SAG: Peach and two mini cups of fresh blueberries. Yum.
First Coffee stop: Regular coffee and Wildberry Oat bar.
Lunch Stop at Grafschap CRC: Turkey and Cheese sandwich, some fruit, and a cookie.
Holland Stop: Sampler of beer and nachos with cheese.
Afternoon Snack: Million dollar pie and single scoop of chocolate ice cream.
Dinner: Steak, fruit, chips, bun, half a brownie (I gave the other half to Brian).

If you aren't convinced that you should have joined Sea to Sea yet, read the list again.

Quote: "I got a great piece of meat." -Me refering to my great steak. "Tim must work out then." -Brian.

Road Things: Nothing of significance today. Some butterflies and one dead squirrel. Also, a lot of nice ocean views as we were driving around Lake Michigan.
Favourite People Pick: Henny and Henry Drost who we biked with today. They are from Fredericton and came up to see Brian and Renita. Henry had biked on the 05 tour and Henny was a cook I think. They were great people to bike with and like to joke with us as we went along. They also like to argue about who had to lead the pace line which was very cute. They bike quite a bit together with each other, putting on about 3,000 kms a year now.
Harry and Henny Drost from Fredericton.

Favourite Part of the Day: Probably at New Holland Brewery in Holland. I always wanted to go there when I was a student at RBC but never got the chance. Johnny, two of his friends, Brian and I sat in the sun and talked shop...which basically meant talked about biking and C2C. It was relaxing because we knew we only had 30 k left.

Worst Part of the Day: Peleton is now starting and I'm not done my blog and it is going to be a long one because tomorrow is Grand Rapids and I should go. Err. I'll be back.
So today Brian invited me to ride with Henny and Harry and himself. I was late as the time had changed and I was not in the mood to take down my tent, but they waited while I got ready and we headed out. We started a nice pace line and stopped at the first SAG about 20 kms down the road. There was a cute sign, which I totally agreed with.

This is the coffee shop-Uncommon Grounds that we stopped in the cute town of Sagatuck. It was VERY cute but pricey. Nice atmosphere-on the lake.

In the town of Grafschap, we visited a CRC for lunch and downstairs there was a museam related to the Dutch immigrants in the 1840's and of course, John Calvin. Here is our animated tour guide. He was very knowledgable and awesome!

Holland was just down the road and we found a different kind of museam. Here is Johnny (notice the Correctional Officer biking jersey) and Brian.

Once again, ordered the sampler. Which was a delight but pricey ($8).

Here is Johnny encouraging his friend to go faster because "Sarah said she's slowing!! We can't make Sarah go slower! GO, GO, GO!"

One mile from the conference ground, there was a group of people with signs, blueberries and water. I love this kind of treatment. The first question is always "Where are you from?" The second, "Are you doing the whole tour?" And the comment I hear most? "I can't believe this...they are all Canadians!"

Ahh the gear truck. Parked for all to see at the CRC Conference grounds (which are beautiful and very full by the way).

And tomorrow I'm looking forward to seeing Bob, my brother. It's not the man I'm looking for, but hey, it's blood.

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