Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 30: York, NE to Fremont, NE (Saturday)

Actual Kms: 150 some. I was losing count because once again my speedometer wasn’t working and I was on sweep, so I tried not to pay attention to how slow we were going.

Overkill Kms: 0. I got in at 7:15 pm. I wasn’t going anywhere.

Road Stuff: Small birds, snake, and we had lots of corn and wind.

Money Spent: $5 Chicken Corn Chowder and coffee, $0 for an ice cream…a lady bought me some because she thought what we were doing was great.

Wipeouts: 0

Quote: “What you doing over there, open heart surgery?” –Reuben in response to my effort to fix my flat inner tube today.

Interesting Person Pick: Lynn, Matt’s fiance. She drove 24 hours to see Matt today and waited for 3 hours to see him. She looked so incredibly happy when he rode in, all sweaty and cranky after a long days ride. I smiled.

Favourite Part of the Day: Eating at the “Café on the Square” where they had some great décor and we had good conversation. Also, riding in the last 10 kms hard and fast at the end of the day.
Worst Part of the Day: Getting to the ice cream store in Wahoo 35 kms from camp and it being 5 pm. It wasn’t “wahoo!” in any sense of the word. People were hot, cranky and just wanted to get to camp by that time. We had a nice road after that though.

Today I was on sweep, so I woke up late, did some blogging in the AC living room at York University, ate my pancakes and bacon slowly and drank my coffee with relish. Then I packed up stuff and helped clean up breakfast. We very slowly loaded the gear truck with everyone’s bag and then we very slowly headed out.

The sweep team taking our time. Jason's amazing invention: taping his ipod and speakers to his bike.

We looked for a coffee shop close to town but didn’t find one, so we biked to the next town, around 30 kms away. There was a headwind and we went slowly, but when we got there we were rewarded with a cute café called “Café on the Square”.

The awesome old tandem bike!

The desserts...I wanted to eat them all. However, I controlled myself and had none. A rare feat!

Later on we stopped at Julie's SAG wagon. She is so awesome that she let me and Brian clean our sunglasses on her cotton shirt. When your shirt is all sweaty, all you can think of is finding cotton.

This is Gayle. Who reminded us with a smily face balloon to "be happy" when we were on sweep. Some people didn't get it today because (as you can see), we were sweaty and hot.

Here I am, taking off to do a fast 20 kms to Wahoo by myself to find some ice cream and wait for the rest of team sweep.

The ice cream place was great. A lady bought me and Brian an ice cream because she thought what we were doing was so amazing. The place was decorated in 1950's decor, and this is an engine I am lifting. :)

When Matt Zantingh, Reuben and I finally got into camp (7:00), who should be there but Lynn, Matt's finace! Matt was hot, sweaty and dazed with excitement. Lynn had been waiting for about 3 minutes. She looks like she is about to play peek-a-boo, but she's really just blocking the hot sun. It was good to see them together at the end of a long day.

After supper, a bunch of people went to a bar across the street and we played "I want to ride my bicycle".

On Sunday, we had a great rally in Omaha with a CRC there and a fantastic potluck with pizza. It was a really hot day so everyone was glad we weren't riding. When we got back to camp, I took a nap, read a book in the hockey arena (very chilly but refreshing) and then watched Batman. It was a good rest day. (Money spent: $1 coffee...the coffee pot wasn't working on account of a breaker...not too uncommon. $30 new breaks that John VanderSteen bought me and helped me install, $7 movie, $4 frappaccino from Starbucks. Ahh).


The Nieuwhofs said...

You are doing gtrrreat Sarah! Keep it up. It looks hot on the pictures, what is your average temperature during the day?
It was raining and 14 degrees here at suppertime. In the middle of the summer. How crazy is that?
Those desserts look some good! Have a great week, Randall.

Anonymous said...

Sarah! I can tell this day was hard because you used the term "hot and sweaty" about 100 times. Hahaha... I love reading your blog! Keep up the comments!