Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day 29: Minden, NE to York, NE

Actual Kms: 152 kms
Overkill Kms: 0-or I don't know because my speedometer wasn't working for the first 30 kms.
Road Stuff: A lot of dead little birds, some undistinguisable flattened stuff and a diaper.
Money Spent: $2.25 hamburger and watermelon slushie (I.O Betsy), $5 Applebees appetizers, chocolate mouse mini desert (I.O Johnny), $20 new headlamp (the Canadian Tire one I bought earlier is horrible) peanut butter M&M's, Gummy worms, card, $2 laundry (I.O Matt).
Quote: "I don't care, my kids getting a click in his name," Russell Peters (A very funny Indian Comedian). To find out more, watch Russell Peters on Youtube. He is hilarious.
Wipeouts: 0
Interesting Person Pick: Josh from Detroit. He just joined in Denver and he's about 28? He's a painter and very excited to be on the tour. Anyways, we met around 30 kms in and he's a good biker. He was keeping a good pace through the headwinds, so I biked with him for the rest of the day.
Favourite Part of the Day: Watching Russell Peters in the AC TV room at York Christian College. We would like to stay here for a weekend because it's beautiful, but off to Freemont.
Worst Part of the Day: The headwinds, especially for the first 60 kms.

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