Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday: A Rest in Denver

Well, I guess blogging on Sunday is going to start being a habit because it doesn't feel like I've done my job if I don't blog. I've met so many people this weekend and heard about others that are reading my blog, so I thought I'd let you know how the best Celebration Sunday went via pictures.

This morning the Zoeteway's made me a fantastic sausage, egg and blueberry coffee cake breakfast. We relaxed, I got a chance to read and then we drove to the Celebration service at the local public high school. This is what we found.

Lots of young people tired and trying to find shade. Tired because of the night before? Trying to find shade because it must have been close to 95 F and was scorching. It was so hot that people ran out in the middle of the service to bring us umbrellas for shade and cool water to drink.
The bikers riding into the Celebration service.

The pile of bikes...I think this is the largest one so far...just think of what that pile is worth!

The cyclists rode in around the track at the beginning of the service today. The reason I have pictures is because I wasn't on my bike. The Zoetewey's had driven me and I didn't know we were driving in the service. Oh well, as the sermon said, it's not about me...or Sea to Sea...or even is about glorifying God. And I did that just fine walking with the support staff and cheering when they announced them....even though I'm not really part of that group. We had fun. But the service was great and I met Laura Rip.

After the service, we had a great sloppy joe lunch and the cyclists headed back to Denver Christian School and a lot of people enjoyed the computer lab, including Brian...see he really is checking his email.

Then a bus came to the school around 1:30 and picked up a bunch of cyclists who wanted to go downtown. Laura Rip came along and she showed us downtown Denver. We had a lot of fun with one street performer who pretended to be a statue. We probably spent 20 minutes just watching her stand still and then interact with people passing by. Eric (a cyclist) got a kick out of her.

Then we headed to a brewery and we enjoyed a nine glass sampling of the local beer. It took me a while to drink. Also, we enjoyed lots of food like spicy spinach dip and Starbucks mud pie ice cream. There was a dozen of us that enjoyed the good conversation and generous Laura picked up the tab!

The start of the nine...I was optimistic.

Only three left...impressive.

The last one was a bitter, so I had to wash it down with something else. We had a table of leaning towers of shot glasses.
Laura Rip (Pastor Ken's daughter) and me.

Then we headed out to a bookstore Matt Z wanted to go to called "The Tattered Cover". We took the free city bus to get there. The bookstore was huge and a beautiful building. I bought four books for my classroom (including one all about commas Hannah). I also bought a book about understanding philosophy through jokes, but the best part was meandering through the bookstore, listening to my favourite music on my ipod and seeing what was new on the shelves. I even found a great book bag ($2!) that has the bookstores name and address on it.

We finally got what was left of the group together after about an hour in the bookstore and tried to figure out a way to get back to the Christian bookstore. Matt Z, Laura and I walked back to Laura's car and I saw some beautiful apartments that made me want to live in the city.

Then Laura, Matt and I went to R.E.I which is a sporting goods company. They sell cycling, camping, hiking and all sorts of other stuff. My favourite part was the rock climbing wall and the huge biking section. I bought a shirt. Then I asked Matt to take some pictures of me near the waterfall, so here is me trying to look pretty. :)

Laura dropped us off at the school (thank you so much Laura!) and Matt and I headed to a supper put on by the local churches. We had great roasted pork and chicken, salad, baked potatoes and desert. It was amazing, as always. We also had a short Peleton meeting and were introduced to 9 new bikers that are joining us. There are about 7 older men and women and 2 younger guys.

Then I called Tim and did some Ipoding...rearranging music and downloading some new stuff and blogged. And now it is time for bed...after all tomorrow is 145 kms...but all Ed said "The mountians are over." This met with some cheers but mostly boo's from the cyclists. I agree with the boo's. Flat country here we come. Blah.

Note to Self: Money Spent: $50 books, $30 shirt. Yah, I didn't really need the shirt, but it was cheaper than Alliston prices....:)


Hannah said...

Commas, Commas, Commas. The work we will do. :)

Good luck on the 145 km's tomorrow,

Christine Patete said...

Sarah, I have enjoyed reading your blog. My dad is biking with you (Markus Lise) but isn't blogging so I have appreciated reading others. I also just learned that you taught my niece Adelle in PEI- what a small CRC world eh! It sounds like you are obviously cycling very hard but also enjoying the tour. That is so great! Thanks for sharing the sights and events.
-christine lise-patete