Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 25: Denver, CO to Fort Morgan, CO

Actual Kms: 152 kms

Overkill Kms: 5 or so, meandering and we missed one of the last turns by half a km.

Road Stuff: Dead bunny, mouse, and a very crinkled, flattened and squished cat.

Money Spent: $5 Breakfast burrito and coffee. Should never eat spicy foods while biking. $3 Blizzard after supper. :) Much better.

Wipeouts: 0 for me but Cynthia Aukema took a fall today on the interstate and it doesn’t look like she’ll be riding the rest of the tour. It’s not overly serious, but probably very disappointing for her.

Interesting Person Pick: John who rides in the bib all the time and Stretch (Mark). Today I rode with them and they both gave me flowers (Black Eyed Susans). They also were just plan fun to ride with.

Favourite Part of the Day: Getting free Pineapple Cream Pie and Lemonade at the CafĂ© 20 kms from Fort Morgan. Yah for generousity! Also finding out that Tim is allowed to ride with us when we are in Ontario….this is probably the best news of my summer. J Pause to enjoy news while watching people in the gear truck (listening to Coldplay) and smiling extensively.

Worst Part of the Day: Hearing that Cynthia got hurt. I really like her, she’s spunky and a great rider. I know it is disappointing for her and for her group-the Chatham clan.

Today I woke up in the gym and my alarm echoed very loudly. I packed up my gear and gently nudged Brian that it was almost 7. He kept on sleeping J. Matt Z and him apparently planned to get a ride back to the wicked windy road in Evergreen (from Saturday) so they could ride it again. They got up late.

In need of new riding partners, I found Eritia and a clan of us headed out. There was a gorgeous 30 km bike path through downtown Denver that led us out of the city. It was very fun because it was curvy with lots of bridges, underpasses and a great river beside us. Soon we had about 10 people and since that was a lot, a group broke off and I biked with Johnny, John, Stretch (the pictures will show you why) and Jeff. We kept a pretty good pace and stopped after about 75 kms to have spicy breakfast burritos with coffee.

We kept on going, and I realized the breakfast burrito wasn’t agreeing with me. We had a little headwind, but kept going. We kept up a good pace and had to drive on the interstate for a while, which was very hot, flat and boring. After getting off the interstate, we went to a restaurant to find Johnny some lemonade (he was craving). When we entered the restaurant we found out that other C2Cers were there and the restaurant thought that what we are doing was so great that they offered us free lunch. It was delicious!

The crew I rode with today, from left Stretch (Mark), Johnny, John, Me, and Jeff.

The pie was good.

Just some of the cyclists who recieved a free meal and the staff at the Cafe.

There was a 25 (excuse me, John just informed me 27 km) ride to Fort Morgan and when we got there, I was pretty tired. But my conscience was bothering me because I hadn’t cleaned my bike this weekend. So I got out the rags, degreaser, grease and old toothbrush and tried to do a good job. I spent about 45 mins at it but I’ve realized that my bike has a lot of scratches, dents or discolorations…alas, the road has taken it’s toll….or maybe it’s just it’s horrible owner. I’ve vowed to be more careful about where I place my bike from now on…no more trees.

I like this picture because it shows a pace line and some neat shadows. This is what I see all day.

I had a shower, set up my tent and now it’s dinner time. I am excited for dinner to be over so I can call Tim and tell him that we can bike together! Now I really can’t wait until we get to Ontario.

Cleaning my bike...it was messy.

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