Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 3- Wednesday: Leavenworth to Ellensburg

Actual Kms- 96
Overkill Kms- 0
Road Things- dead birds, great views
Money Spent- $90 new shorts, $4 bag balm, $4 aloe vera, $12 face 85 spf sunscreen, $5 pumice stone, $4 soup (oddly craving soup), $5 swimming at local pool.
Interesting Person Pick- Eritia-I rode with her today. She is 25, from Grimsby and works at the Dutch store there. She was really encouraging when we went up the first big she says "Press On".
Favourite Part-Being the first group in today (there were 4 of us) ! Yah for setting a good pace. Also, the Candlelight service last night at 9 where we got to sing and pray together.
Worst Part-Wicked sadle sores.

Yesterday was great. We had a nice climb and then a 15 minute downhill going 50 Km/H. It was full of beautiful views and I was glad to be into camp at 12:15 because the sun was killer. Today (Thursday) I am on the sweep team which means we have to ride behind everyone else to make sure they get to camp so it should be a relaxing day to Yakima. We only do 68 km so hopefully I will have some time to load some pictures and video onto the site. Thanks for reading!

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