Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day 28: McCook, NE to Winden, NE

Actual Kms: 161 kms. Another century. Done.

Overkill Kms: 4 or so, dilly dallying and winding.

Road Stuff: Dead: turtle, mouse, skunks (notice the plural), cat and lots of squished unrecognizables.

Money Spent: $9 Denver Omlette and Coffee, $2 Manjo Raspberry Shake, $4 cookie and Mikes Hard Limeade, $2 beer, about $50 on ITunes music.

Wipeouts: 0

Quote: (In the ladies shower) Sarah "I think my bum is getting numb with these long rides". Older lady "Your bum is numb, you're lucky! I wish my bum was numb...then I couldn't feel how much it hurts".

Interesting Person Pick: Matt Rekman who is 19 and is going to be a nurse. He was so easy to ride with. Sometimes we talked, sometimes we listened to our ipods or just rode quietly. We rode side by side and it's nice to keep pace with someone.

Favourite Part of the Day: Finding this cafe with coaches, AC and cheap beer.

Worst Part of the Day: Didn't really have one.

This is a picture from last nights Peleton meeting, where people are looking through the two baskets of lost and found items. We dump stuff every couple of days because the baskets get filled so regularily.
Here is Betty Terpstra and Diane Slofstra (in my small group) who are on kitchen crew. They were excited to be able to chop outside, but they had to make the table higher with cans.
This is the bakery (a dutch one apparently) in McCook who donated a lot of donuts to our morning breakfast. So I got a Shifting Gears book and some bracelets from Ed and a bunch of us visited them as we were heading out. We sang "We wish you a good Thursday morning, We wish you a good Thursday morning and thanks for the donuts".
Yummy Donuts...even comparable to Tim Hortons.
At the first SAG Matt Rekman and I hid in the corn fields with some other cyclists who were there. It was fun.
Around 65 kms a bunch of us stopped for food. I had a delicious omlette with kraft cheese...and then they didn't take Visa. I think we were in the sticks.
This is Kevin Pasma, a Redeemer guy who went on the 05 tour. He has pretty small legs so I took this picture because it looks like his legs are big and he liked that. He's a joker and always makes me laugh.
Just to prove that I am actually biking, here I am. Notice the great road shoulder. It was like this almost all day.

I don't have much on my bike which makes it nice and light...just about 18-20 pounds. I usually carry my lunch in my jersey pockets and my camel back. My camera and ipod is in my jersey and I usually carry sunscreen, extra contacts, lipgloss, and my wallet in my camelbak as well. This is me using my arrow bars which I only usually use when I'm going down hill because they are so low. They are so low that my thighs touch my stomach when I'm really tucked down.

We saw a McDonalds about 30 kms from camp and we all agreed that it was a necessary stop. :) It was a hot day.

We had to take a picture at the little town of Funk. And the slogan "Living on Easy Street" is all too true of this summer.

What I'm doing now...except about 35 people have joined me. Wifi is definitely a draw with this crowd. Tomorrow looks like another long day but I just downloaded about 50 songs on my ipod, so that should be helpful.

1 comment:

The Nieuwhofs said...

Great pictures. Nice to see that you are still healthy and going strong. And having some fun with all the stuff you see on the road.
Another 100 mile day, wow. Have a great weekend, hope you get to relax a bit.