Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 26: Fort Morgan, CO to Wray, CO

Actual Kms: 151 km

Overkill Kms: 5 km to the pool where we showered and to the shopping centre.

Road Stuff: Dead blackbird, turtle, snake, mouse, and lots of grasshoppers-small and big.

Money Spent: $8 for breakfast bagel and amazing caramel frappacino, $4 for green iced tea that was putrid and coffee cake, $6 blank cds, $17 shopping for t-shirt in Wray, $8 Main Street Melt and coffee in Wray. Wow. I need to stop spending money on food. It's just so nice to take a break in the towns we pass and chat in a coffee shop. I really need to start just buying black coffee.

Wipeouts: 0

Interesting Person Pick: Don't really have one for today. Sadly.

Favourite Part of the Day: Having my speedometer flip over to 3000 kms. I started it at the beginning of the tour and it just made me realize how far we've gone. I can't believe I get to do this trip.

Worst Part of the Day: The last 20 kms or so were difficult because there was a killer headwind, but I'm glad Matt was there with me so we could pull each other in. Usually we are pretty quite when we ride, concentrating on the pull and it's nice to trust someone and know their riding style.

The coffee shop that I'm getting wifi off of is about to close, so I will be short. Today was a tough day, I set the alarm for 5:30 because I heard there was going to be a wicked headwind, but couldn't get up until 6. I found Matt Z and we decided to ride together. We rode about 30 km and stopped in a little town at a coffee shop called Cornerstone. A guy from the local paper took a picture of a bunch of the cyclists there and was going to write a story. Everyone seemed to be in a quiet mood, and we all picked up a magazine and probably spent about 45 mins there.

This is me and Teresa. Notice my awesome new $25 jersey. After that, we took off but I lost Matt. I waited for him for a while, but he didn't show, so I jumped on Jason, Gresh and Melinda's pace line. It was good. When I found Matt again, it was by the side of the road about 3 hours later and about 40 kms from camp. He had busted a tire after getting his derailer fixed.

So while we were waiting for Betsy and the SAG wagon to come with a new tire, we took a picture of the town sign we were near...Yuma. No, we couldn't find a train, but if we had we would have made a mini 3:10 to Yuma movie.

We got to camp safe and sound after a crazy headwind, and very long and flat roads (blah). We set up camp and hopped in the wonderful pool (complete with waterslide and diving board...you know how I love those diving boards). I showered and found the local internet cafe. Tonight I plan to write some postcards and read. It is good to be able to relax. :)


The Nieuwhofs said...

Over three thousand, way to go Sarah. I couldn't imagine biking that far.
Black coffee, are you sure?Frappacino sounds a lot more exciting. Hope you have a great day tomorrow. With less of a headwind.
Oh, btw, nice jersey.
Hi from PEI, Randall

Unknown said...

Heray For 3,000 kms
looks like you are doing great!! keep up the good work/play.
I had my first unfortunate experience with the clipless pedals last week and have a new respect for all those who have mastered the technique :)(not to mention a really sore knee)
Do you need a place to stay when you are in Hamilton or do you have other arrangements?? You are more that welcome to stay here.. I will be in PEI :( but Trev will be home, and he'd enjoy the company. Let me know,
take care, you are in our thoughts and prayers.. along with the other sea to sea'ers
Love from T&T

Unknown said...

Good evening Sarah,
Way to go with over 3,000 kms!!Awesome job to you and all the cyclists including our son Matthew..Glad to hear that you could help each other pedal today. Then the flat tire for poor old MattY!!! Hey, Matthew, dad still wants to send some shaving stuff for you. Grandma Z. is enjoying your pictures.We are proud of you all. Please be extra careful as 3 accidents in two days...sad for Tyler and Cynthia and this new gentleman with a broken rib...ouch!!With love,Mrs.Zantingh

sugarnuggets said...

My vote??...stick with the sweet coffee. It keeps a body going!! I'm a Cafe Mocha girl myself....
Blessings today!!

Sea to Sea 2008 with Sarah said...

Thanks for the comments all. Tanya, we (Tim is biking Ontario) would love to stay with Trevor. That sounds fun. Sorry about the sore knee...clipless pedals are tough, but I've found a loose tension is good.
Mrs. Z I will mention the shaving stuff to Matt. Your letter was read to the entire Peleton meeting (all cyclists/staff) on Sunday and Matt was embarrassed but a little proud I think. Thanks for reading.

Unknown said...

Good late afternoon Sarah,
Thanks for replying so promptly. However, I am curious who read what letter on Sunday evening and what did I write? Was this a letter to Matthew or was this a little note to you? Anyway,I am sure you had another long,long,day...I also had a long day at work,and I need a power snooze.Hope all is well,staying positive and know that we are with you all in mind and spirit.With love,Wilma Z.