Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 2: Tuesday: Sultan to Leavenworth

Actual Kms- 130 km
Overkill- 0 km
Road Things-half a snake, deer, glasses, fort, Giant Jet flying overhead.
Interesting Person Pick: Jake Kuypers, Claire Biermans brother, who rode the last 5 kms up the top of the mountain with me and all the way down. He was a great encourager and very fast (for an older guy especially).
Money Spent: $6 new magnet for my bike speedometer since I lost it in my fall yesterday, $6 Coldstone ice cream, $5 postcards/stamps, $10 phone card.
Wipeouts: 0 :)
Favourtie Part of the Day: Being the 10th rider into camp and the second girl after 7 hours of riding. Also - meeting and riding to town with Eritia - the girl who got to camp first.
Worst Part of the Day: The last 10 km of the mountain. Ahhh.

Today was the toughest day of my life. I climbed 3000 ft in elevation in 15 kms and by the end - had to stop every 2 km. It was brutal - but when I saw the SAG (water/relief/other sea to sea people) wagon at the top of the mountian and knew that it was all downhill from there - I was pumped! It was the longest ride of my life but we got to ride for 15 km downhill at 50 km/h. And the river was beautiful with amazing rapids (see pics soon). The river was on our right with the mountains and cliffs on the left. The scenery was incredibly gorgeous. I rode with Brian Garrett for the first 60 km and we said "Who are we that we get to do this?" God is good to us.

1 comment:

Brian's Mom said...

Finally a name I know on this blog....My name is Cathy Garrett, I am Brian's mom. I love the picture of you and Brian. Say Hi (and give him a hug) for me. I am addicted to this site and always thinking and praying for all of you. I will see you all in New Jersey on August 30th.