Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thursday, September 4-Finally Out of the Hospital!

Hello everyone! I just thought that I would let you know that yesterday (Wednesday), I finally got out of the hospital. After 12 days of being sick and 10 days of being in the hospital, I was really glad to get out.
My parents drove down last Tuesday and visited me during the week and I also was visited by lots of friends, my boyfriend (everyday :), and people from church. Yesterday, Bob got here and delivered the Sea to Sea card and my mail from Sea to Sea.
The worst part of being sick is missing the first day of school and having to take it so SLOW for a while. The doctor says it will be a while until I feel 100% and that I have to take at least a week off of work. Which means I won't be back to school until at least next Wednesday. It might be longer because my breathing (I had pneumonia as well) is very short and I walk like a grandma... very slow.
It is good to be out of the hospital though because I can eat the delicious food at the Van Ryn's (my boyfriend's parents and where I am staying for a few days) and go out if I want to. I am not really doing any work right now because my substitute has my curriculum and there's not much I can do without it. I think there are things I could be doing, but I haven't made a list yet and I really don't feel like doing much but getting better. My goal is to be able to do 100 kms on my bike before the snow is too bad. :) I really miss seeing my students as well and being part of the excitement at the beginning of school.
Thanks for your concern everyone and for reading. My plans next summer include a 7 day bike trip to finish the tour. Maybe Tim will come along. Also, has anyone thought about biking Europe? If you are out there, we should talk. :)


sugarnuggets said...

HI Sarah!

So glad you are out! It is great to hear that you are on the road to recovery. Thanks for sharing how everything went.

Reading your blog each day was a highlight of our summer and we REALLY miss it. ...might have to start watching TV again!

Have a great school year and I'm so excited that you are planning to finish the tour next summer!! :)

Take care, Tetcy

The Nieuwhofs said...

Great news Sarah,

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Glad you are feeling somewhat better.
It would be nice for you to finish your tour, although a little later.
As they say, better late then never. Never would be me. All the best for your new school year.
Loved your narative of the trip.
All the best from PEI.

Rick said...

Hi Sarah
Glad you are finally out of the hospital now just make sure you stay healthy

Rick G

Randy DeWolde said...

Hi Sarah.
I'm happy to hear you are out of the hospital and on the mend. We missed you at the end, but what can you do. Take care. God's blessings to you as you start a new school year. Randy D.

Unknown said...

Dear Sarah,
We are also happy to hear that you are out of the hospital and on your way to full recovery. It has been a week now since Sea-to-Sea has ended. You are probably anxious to get back to ACCS and teaching for another year. You are in a wonderful school and church community. Enjoy. May God grant you strength and health. Thanks for the journey and may we meet again on day, Sincerely, Wilma Z.

Christine Patete said...

So glad to hear you are on the mend. I am still trying to keep up with final blogs even though the tour finished last weekend. I and my family met my dad (markus lise)at the end in NYC. It was amazing to see all the cyclists accomplish such a trip!
Since I had so enjoyed your blogging of the sea to sea adventure I was so sad to hear you had gotten sick.It would have been nice to meet you too! Thank you for sharing your perspective of your trip and I do hope you get to enjoy the final 7 days next summer! Be sure to take your time getting well!
-christine (lise) patete

the Linzel Family said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend. We got quite a scare to hear you were ill. Have been praying feverishly for you and Jordan has been checking your blog for news.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us. We hope that you will now have patience to recover and that God will use this "roadblock" to teach just what He has mapped out for you. I am sure you have lots of time to reflect. What an amazing journey!
Bless you
Julie and Jordan

Jessica Lanning said...

So glad to hear you're out of the hospital and on the mend. We've been worrying about you and praying for you. Take it easy and for a while, enjoy the 'time off'. Love and hugs,