Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sarah's in the hospital

Hello Everyone,

This is Abby, Sarah's older sister.

As most of you have likely noticed Sarah hasn't been posting on her blog for the last week, well here's what's been going on.

On Friday, Sarah had a lot of pain in her abdomen so she went to the hospital in Hamilton. She was told she had a bladder infection that had turned into a kidney infection so she was given some antibiotics and some pain medication. She had been biking with Tim (her boyfriend) through Canada so he went with her to the hospital and his parents also ended up coming down to pick them up.

On Sunday, they went to the Sea to Sea rally in Niagara, and she was feeling pretty awful and she was not looking so hot either, but she got to talk to lots of friends from the tour and her friend Jillian, so she was happy.

On Monday Sarah and Tim's Mom went to the hospital in Alliton and were told that Sarah had an abcess on her kidney and that there was fluid around her lungs. So, she was sent by ambulance to the New Market hospital (north Toronto) and she has been there ever since.

Yesterday she had a procedure to drain the abcess on her kidney but today after another ultrasound, the doctors realized that this didn't really work and she had to have a stint (drainage system) put in to drain her kidney. There is still lots of fluid arond her lungs and this is making it hard to breathe.

The doctor's are still not sure when she will be released from the hospital but she does seem to be getting better.

Praise God that this happened while she was biking through Ontario where she has friends, family, and health insurance and please pray for Sarah, that she makes a quick recovery and is able to get back into her classroom (school starts next week).

If you would like to reach Sarah she is staying at the Southlake Regional Health Centre in New Market. They do have a program at the hospital where you can email patient. (I believe they print off the emails and deliver them) You have to enter in the patient's name and room number (5-048) and your name and a message at this website:

Go ahead and send her a message, she would love to hear from you.
Thanks for your prayers!


Hannah said...

Hi Abby!
You may not know me..but I am one of Sarah's students. Just wanted to say Thank you for your effort put into this! I hopefully with write an e-mail to her.
Again, Thank you

The Nieuwhofs said...

Hi Abby,
Thanks for the update. Didn't know how Sarah was doing until now.
We'll keep praying for her.

T said...

Sarah, get well soon, your smiling face is a plus no matter where you are or what your doing, its not about the bike as a guy named lance once said. pray'n for ya

Dannie said...

Hi Sarah - The Reid family has been following every kilometer of your adventure. We were so disappointed for you when we realized that you would not be able to complete the tour. We know that God will use this misadventure in a positive way and pray that you will be able to leave the hospital soon and begin preparations for your new school year. You have been a real inspiration for all of us. Take care!

Love, The Reids