Monday, August 11, 2008

Day 37: Madison, WI to Woodstock, IL

Actual Kms: 141 kms

Overkill: 8 or so, meandering and going to the bike store in Woodstock and the city square (which is very nice).

Money Spent: $130 yesterday on school supplies at the Learning Store, which a resident of
Madison (Merle) graciously took me to. I am excited to have nametags and new posters! $12 eyebrows waxed (yes, I know, expensive but sometimes, you have to feel somewhat beautiful).

Roadthings: Racoon (dead). Lots of corn and soybeans. Oh, two live hawks.

Quote: "What we're in Illinois..oh man! We missed the sign!" -Me after realizing we were in Illinois and we didn't take a "Welcome to Illinois" picture. I think they forgot to put a sign.

Favourite Person Pick: Ann. Levina, you know her from the 2005 tour. She rode with Matt and I for the last 30 kms and she kept up a very good pace. She is 55 and a very strong biker with a good sense of humour. We talked a lot about the Canadian tour and how it compares to this one. Apparently they saw greater diversity (wildlife, nature) on the Canadian tour but we have less rain on this tour! Also, the first tour had less mountians (climbs) but probably more camaraderie in the group.

Favourite Part of the Day: Eating at the Devenian CRC at 80 kms into the ride. The food and generousity was amazing.

Worst Part of the Day: Last night I scratched a bug bite right on the top of my foot and since I don't wear socks when riding (don't worry, I wash my shoes out at least every ten days...which reminds me...), my scratch got a little sore while riding.

Today was an excellent riding day. Matt and I rode the first 80 kms and it time flew! Maybe it is because we realized that there are only 17 more riding days, or maybe it was the subject matter of our conversation. Not sure, but it flew. We were trying to be in early because we had "Sweep" duties of setting up tables and the canopys that cover the food. We stopped breifly in Wisconsin at a cheese and wine tasting place. It was a little early for the wine but the Salami Cheddar and the Chocolate Fudge Cheese were great.

But we did stop at Devenian CRC for some excellent stewed beef and sloppy joe sandwiches. There was tons of pasta salads, jello salads and brownies and ice cream for desert. Let's just say that if you love food, that is a major reason you should go on any foreseeable upcoming Sea to Sea's.

We left there around 11:30 and rode up the beautiful country roads in 75 degree (22ish?) weather. We rode with Ann for a while and went to the bike store when we got into Woodstock (around 1:30). Didn't find the detours stem bag that I was looking for, so Matt and I headed to downtown where he got something for his fiance and I got my eyebrows waxed. There were lots of Sea to Seaer's having a drink or enjoying the beautiful downtown square.

I headed back to camp after finding a St.Bernard in a bookstore (no spending though...thank you, thank you) and had a shower, set up the tent and helped with Sweep duties. Now I've headed to the library (which may be the most beautiful library I've ever seen and contributes to the desire I have to want to be a librarian). I'm planning on heading to the local Starbucks to have a little coffee and do some school work and maybe read. Ahh, the perks of being in early. :)

Unfortunately, the library won't let me upload the four pictures I took today, so I will do that later. Signing off.


john van sloten said...


You're a great writer. Crazy, funny and tres honest. Thanks for the (brief) comparison comments re: the 2005 tour. I've been dying to know how the tours have differed.

It's been great riding this one with you (while sitting in my comfy, very soft, did I mention comfy living room chair!)

John Van Sloten, Calgary

The Nieuwhofs said...

Getting closer to the finish line everyday. You're doing great. Love the layout of your blog, very informative. And detailed. Too bad about the pictures, we just have to imagine what the country you drove through looked like. And the food as well. Still having fun?
Keep on rolling, Randall.

Martha said...

Thank you for the compliment about our library in Woodstock, we remodeled in 2001 and are quite proud of it! Sorry you had a problem with the photos. I'd be curious to hear what the prob was so we can fix it.

Good luck on your journey, it sounds like a marvelous trip!

Martha/Ref Librarian @ woodstock