Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day 32: Sioux City, IW to Sioux Center, IW (Dordt College)

Some pictures from the weekend that I didn't get uploaded. This is the courtyard area of the Lutheran Church who randomly met us, gave us food and drink and let us sleep in their building.
Renita (from Fredericton) and I.

Actual Kms: 100 km...yes!

Overkill: 2 to the Bike store and to the Dutch store.

Road Things: Not really anything today of note. Oh, a huge man that was made out of tires.
Money Spent: $13 White and Black Handlebar tape (By bike now looks like a Holstein which I thought Wisconsin people would enjoy), $3 Fat Tire beer at pub (and free cheeseburger and onion rings from the owners because we are on Sea to Sea...yes!, $3 tip), $6 Willimena peppermints, fruitella and Stroopie, payed back Matt, $7 stamps and mailing letter to mom.
Interesting Person Pick: Barb Mellema. She is an administrative person at Dordt who is on the tour. She's a great biker, a masher (likes to use the harder gears even on hills..like me) and a great blogger (check out her blog via the website). She organized our stay and all the perks (great food, people to greet us) at Dordt. Everyone's a fan of Barb.

Favourite Part of the Day: Taking a nap today in the room I am sharing with Corinne at Dordt. Then having a bath in a real tub. Ahh.
Worst Part of the Day: Realizing my heat rash isn't gone yet. Yah...that's the best I could do.
Today Team Sweet reunited and rode through Sioux City together. We skipped the first SAG and rode through a slight headwind. The day was nice and a few of the boys drafted behind the Betsy's SAG for a little bit.
Team Sweet in Sioux City, taking up the empty road.
Then we got to the second SAG and Alex (19 year old Redeemer student) and I kept going. I felt like riding without stopping. I kept going until Ireton (I said Hello Craig :) and then stopped for delicious strawberry slushies and rootbeer floats. I talked to some of the locals and then moved onto the 25 km finish. We were welcomed well at Dordt, given maps, a room and I sent out some mail after being shown where the ATM was by a student there.

Then I headed out to the Bike store (which was small indeed) and got some nifty tape for my handlebars. Hans, Matt and Brian met me there and we headed to the Dutch store, where I bought some sweets.

Then we headed to a pub, I had a delicious bacon cheeseburger and onion rings on the house and we enjoyed our Fat Tire beer. Notice the label. :)

After I took a nap, had a real bath and ate some amazing supper (including delicious strawberry cream pie...you could go on this tour just for the food), we had a Celebration Rally where about 400 people applauded for us as we came in. I felt like a celebrity....well, except there were 150 of us and we were wearing yellow.

The eager faces of the cyclists after about an hour and a half of singing, speakers, and a dang good slide presentation.

After blogging, bed time. 180 kms tomorrow. Blah.


The Nieuwhofs said...

You didn't just come for the food though, did you? Lol.
Nice labels on the beer. Who would have thought they would do that for you. Was it good?
Have a great day tomorrow.

Luanne said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reading your blog. There about 4 riders that I make sure I read every day (one is my husband's--Terry Barnes). It's so refreshing and I love how your days revolve around great biker food : ) I completely can relate.
Thanks for taking the energy to keep us folks posted!
Luanne Barnes

Craig and Jeanine said...

You're the best. Thanks for saying hello to my hometown. Now I need to know where in Sioux Center you found Fat Tire Beer?

Anne said...

Hey Sarah,
Glad Corinne had a roomie...you bought all my favourite things at the Dutch store...however I always have to buy gestampte muisjes (I spelt that wrong for sure) and lots and lots of hagelslag for the boys(even though their friends tease them about eating cake decorations on their bread).Nice that you didn't have to set up the tents for a couple of days...why didn't you play hockey???

Sea to Sea 2008 with Sarah said...

The beer was great Randall. It's called "Fat Tire" and was started after a bike tour so they put a bike on the front.

Luanne-I saw Terry today. He was doing great! I love his peace as I pass him (and his great bowling shirt).

Craig-At a little pub called Doc's. I was suprised too. :)

Anne-I was on sweep the day we had hockey-which meant I got in around 7:15 and was beat after a long day on the bike. Regretable that I couldn't show the Americans that Canadian girls can play too. Corinne was doing well this morning but she left after me so I didn't see her. She loves her new camelback. :)