Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 6: Saturday: Sunnyside to Kennewick, WA

Actual Kms: 85 km
Overkill Kms: 0
Road Stuff: skunks galore, lots of glass and birds.
Money Spent: $4 for the best duche de luche frappacino ever, $3 snacks while calling Tim.
Interesting Person Pick: Hank, Claire’s Husband. He’s a cool older guy who is a Calvin Seminary professor. We discussed RBC, GR and then he feel asleep on the couch at the Lee’s.
Favourite Part of the Day: Climbing a wicked cliff side to take pictures and wave to the bikers below (see pic).
Worst Part of the Day: Waiting to get to the Lee’s because all I wanted was internet, a place to clean my very stinky bike shoes and a real bed.
Today was a good day. I rode with Hans, Joel, Matt Z and we made good time again. We climbed a cliff, ate our lunch and met up with Steven. Then we roe some more and stopped at a great coffee shop. We got to camp and it’s beautiful-right next to the Columbia River. We set up camp and I went in the water and read on a giant rock in the middle of the water. I took a nap and then had supper. The Lee’s, a family in the area took me and three other cyclists back to their house where I get to enjoy a hot shower and a real bed. I am pumped to not have to ride tomorrow. My legs need a rest.


Anonymous said...

I'm pumped that you get to rest too!! I feel tired just THINKING about how much biking you are doing. John and I are so proud of you! Love.

Jessica Lanning said...

Island!! How exciting! I'm jealous you get to travel across the states, but cannot wait until you're in the GR area... remind me when you're coming through and I'll come see you...

Heather said...

Sarah! Glad to read that you're having a great time. Things here are the same as always. ♥much heart♥