Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 23: Kremmling, Co to Shadow Mountain Resort, CO

Actual Kms: 60 kms (oh yeah!)

Overkill Kms: 3 kms to go for Breakfast in Kremmling and meandering.

Road Stuff: Dead deer, leg of a deer, people fly fishing along the Colorado River.

Money Spent: $10 breakfast-sausage/cheese omelet, Moosecake (huge pancake), toast and coffee, $4 Breve latte in Grandby, $3 latte at lodge. I have got to stop drinking coffee like Matt Z.
Wipeouts: 0

Interesting Person Pick: Bert Sloftstra, a pastor from Abbotsford, B.C. We are sitting here in the lodge, on leather coaches and he said "You guys should see my room" (some people have purchased $100 rooms for the night) and I blurted out "Shut up about your room" to which I quickly replied, "Sorry, I can't believe I just said shut up to a pastor, I must be tired or cranky about sleeping on the rough ground tonight". He said "I'm on sabbatical Sarah. I'm just a regular person now, you can say shut up to me anytime". The pastors on this trip are hilarious.

Quote of the Day: (That's right, a new category). Matt Zanting on the couch..."I should go do something..." Very intentionless.

Favourite Part of the Day: Eating breakfast late, stopping in Grandby to watch the Tour de France and still getting here by 1. Ahh yeah.

Worst Part of the Day: There was a little bit of a tough climb 5 kms from camp, which made my new jersey sweaty. Which means I'll have to clean it tonight. That's pretty much the worst part. Things can't be that bad when they have a pool, free roller skating, beach volleyball, comfy lodges with coaches, a restaurant, laundry and a great view. Yah for YMCA camps! Especially ones that have Christian signs and chapels everywhere.

Today I convinced Matt Z and Matt R to go out for breakfast, mostly because we wanted eggs. So we found a little place in Kremmling called the Moose Cafe. They had Moosecakes instead of Pancakes which were huge. Here's a picture.

Also, Colorado has a lot of taxidermy places. The stuffed animals are everywhere. This buck must have been huge.

The canyon that we biked through today was so gorgeous that we had to slow our pace to 20 kms/hour.

When we got to this little town, it was like "Wow! We are at the first town already!" I think it was about 25 kms in. We decided to keep going, and by passed both SAG wagons today.

We decided to stop in Grandby and since the Tour de France was on, Matt, Matt and I got a coffee and watched the rest of the race. We realized how pathetically slow we are compared to those bikers and I wondered if there was a women's Tour de France. It kind of makes you want to become really fast. So much so, that when we left the cafe, we were zooming through town...and it left us breathless and wondering if we were climbing because doing 30 km/h was difficult. It's good that we can laugh at ourselves.

When we got to the YMCA camp, some people were complaining because the camping ground was rather rough and there wasn't a lot of room for us. But the view is great, the bonus' awesome and the pool and sauna refreshing. Personally, I'm loving this stop. It even has a taste from home-look Emily-a Cafe Diem in Colorado! So I ordered a coffee and started blogging.

Tomorrow is another big climb through the Rockies and a long day (150?). But I feel well rested and excited about where we are staying. There is even a post office box and a pay phone here! Score!


TIM said...

Hi Sarah thanks for the pictures.
Talk to you tonight.


sugarnuggets said...

HI Sarah,

Your blog is the BEST!! Love the pictures and the commentary and getting to know the other bikers through you!!
Take care!!!
Blessings today, Tetcy