Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 20: Duchense, UT to Dinosaur, CO

Actual Kms: 158 kms

Overkill Kms: 13 kms getting lost and moseying around town.

Road Stuff: All kinds of road kill imaginable except for moose. Too many to count.

Money Spent: Taco Bell $3 for cheesy potatoes (I made a deal with myself to stop at the next

Taco Bell I saw for those potatoes. They are a college-time love) and soft taco. Dinosaur Ice Cream place frappacino $5. At the gas station in Dinosaur $2.50 for Coors Light and chips.

Wipeouts: 0 but Jake Kuypers (Clara Bierman’s brother) took a big fall today because his carbon seat posts just broke and he flipped over his handlebars into traffic. There was no traffic, so he’s just pretty scratched up. He even finished his ride today.

Interesting Person Pick: None for today. Sorry folks.

Favourite Part of the Day: Having a beer in Dinosaur with Matt Z and George VanderKurr at the local park because we couldn’t find a pub. I was singing for about 2 hours after that.
Worst Part of the Day: The last 10 kms we had a wicked headwind, were going uphill (deceivingly) and it was in the middle of nowhere. We all just wanted to get there.

Today I rode by myself and it was beautiful. I left “late” at 7:20 because I was tired. Last nights sleep was still leaving something to be desired….namely a good nights rest. Also, Alida (the nurse) re-bandaged my leg wound. The ride was beautiful…it left me lots of time to think about a little bit of everything. The first 90 kms I averaged just under 30 km/hour.

We got into Vernal which was a bigger town and I missed the first road to go around the city, so I went into town and stopped at the Taco Bell and enjoyed the people (especially the kids) looking at me and smiling. I ate well, rested and headed out to the next SAG-Walter Vink’s RV where I enjoyed juicy watermelon.
The next 35 kms were difficult. The headwind, the emptiness of the road and the fact that it was the last piece was killer. A bunch of people stopped at a rest stop, so I did too. They were a group of the older crowd, all of which were concerned about my cough and proceeded to discuss with me how to get better. The conversation went like this,

“Were you the one hacking up a lung last night Sarah?”
“Yes, sorry if I woke you up.”
“What are you taking for that? Got any Vitamin C?”
“Here, have an orange.”
“I have cough syrup if you need it.”
“Maybe you want one of my sleeping pills?”
“Here, have an orange slice.”
“Thanks guys.”

Here’s a picture of the false advertised sign. Colorado (so far) is not visibly colourful.
When I got into Dinosaur (so named because lots of fossils are found here because this is where they died…and I can see why) and found a homemade ice cream place. I got a frappacino and sat with fellow bikers in the “misted” canopy. I was probably within the first dozen in.

Then Matt Z, George and I scanned the town for a bar but it was closed so we went to the gas station and bought our beer (you can buy a 24 ounce for $1.29 here…it is crazy) and enjoyed it at the park. Then we headed into camp, singing a tune. I showered and now I’m blogging. Tomorrow is about 141 kms and two 1000 foot climbs. Not too bad except that I am on sweep and it will probably be a long day. Thursday is long too but Friday is the day everyone is looking forward too-only 55 kms. Yes!
Tim...sorry about the phone connection yesterday. I'll call you soon.


sugarnuggets said...

How exciting to see LIVE creatures and not just flat ones!
Hope your leg doesn't feel sore (now that's an ouchie!!!) and that you get over your cold soon!

Hang in there!!!


Jon said...

Did you know that ONLY when you are above 6,000 feet in elevation does an American beer taste the same as a Canadian one? :)

When you come into Grand Rapids in mid-August for 2 nights, would you be interested in staying with our family? We could pick you up, put you up in a real bed, with a real mattress? :) You can let me know via email or through your parents to my parents.

Blessings for the high hills!

The Nieuwhofs said...

Where DO you find the time to do all the blogging?
It is great to follow your trip like this. The next thing to being there. Rally love the pictures. Hope your cough goes away soon, so that you can get a good nights rest.
Got to love all the good advice, eh?
Hope the rest of your week goes well. All the best from PEI, Randall.

Sea to Sea 2008 with Sarah said...

Thanks for the comments everyone!
Jon-my boyfriend may be bringing my boyfriend down that weekend, so I think I'll be hanging out with him, but thank you so much for the generous offer! WOW! I am really amazed at the generousity of people on this tour.