Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 16: Gooding, ID to Burley, ID

Actual Kms: 151 kms

Overkill Kms: 21 kms. About 8 kms to go see Shoshonee Falls. About 4 kms of weaving and probably 9 kms extra in town to Dairy Queen and the Bike shop.

Road Stuff: Lots of dead snakes, lots of dead birds, a dead cat which Matt Zantingh jumped completely over, and I think, a dead calf on the side of the road. We passed a lot of dairy farms today.

Money Spent: $15 for a water bottle and bottle container (a gift), $3.50 Cookie Dough Blizzard, and Brian spent $2.50 on a Jolly Rancher slushie for me because I was in a “pissie mood”.

Wipeouts: 0

Interesting Person Pick: Guy at the DQ. Don’t remember his name but there was a colleged age guy at the DQ who was very interested in our tour and talked to Team Sweet for about 20 minutes about what we were doing. He also helped direct us to the bike shop.

Favourite Part of the Day: Again-shower. It’s amazing how good a cold shower after a day in the sun can make you feel. Also, having the Twin Cities Reformed Church feed us really good food including the best watermelon I have ever tasted.

Worst Part of the Day: About 60 kms away from Burley (our destination), Matt Z got a flat and it was the fourth one that day for Team Sweet (Brian-one…well really a demented tire, and Laura had two). Then Brian suggested we get Jolly Rancher slushies. I said, “Guys, just so you know, it’s 12:30 and we have 60 kms to go.” I will admit I was in a “pissie mood”. It was hot and I just wanted to get to camp. But then Brian offered to buy me a slushie to cheer me up. J

Today we had a long ride-the map said 130 kms to Burley, Idaho. So I made sure I got lots of sleep, packed up my stuff quickly and tried to head out at 7 am with Matt Z, Brian Garrett and Laura. Brian was a little late but we won’t hold it against him.

We booted it about 30 kms down the road to a dairy farmers place and he had cold water and predictably, milk for us and also showed off his massive 50 cow rotating milk parlour. It was pretty cool. They milked about 1700 cows, four times a day and only had a few hours off every day.

Brian had to change a tire and Laura had a flat, so we said at the dairy farm until 9am and then went on to Twin Cities. We met with other cyclists the Twin Cities Reformed Church. They have a large congregation (800-1000), beautiful grounds, and the best part? They had subway sandwiches, watermelon, chips and ice cream for us. It was a treat.

We decided to take a small 6 km detour to see the Shoshonee falls, which were beautiful. Some people choose not to go because you had to go a very steep 1 mile hill to see it and then, of course, climb back up it. It was a 12% grade and pretty challenging. I left Team Sweet a little early so I wouldn’t hold them up but then ended up waiting for them at the top of the hill for about 15 mins.

We puttered on to Kimberly, were we had another flat and slushies. At around 1 am, we pounded it across very flat wheat and potato fields to Burley. It took us 2 hours and was very, very hot. When we got to town, we immediately found the Dairy Queen, ate a delicious blizzard and then went to the bike shop. Apparently Burley has a national triathalon (swimming, running, biking) every year that many people participate in, so it had a decent bike shop. Someone at camp told me that my gears had a few loose teeth and needed to be fixed or replaced, but the bike mechanic didn’t see a thing wrong with them, so that was a relief.
When I got to camp, I set up my tent, showered and now, now, in the coolness of the gym, I am going to take a nap. I’ve been dreaming about a nap. Goodnight.

P.S Sorry there aren't any pictures. We took some great ones at the falls but my pictures deleted while I was trying to load them on my computer which is a bugger. Also, the nap was good...I was almost late for dinner so it was over an hour. :) These two pictures are ones of Tim and I from Jill's wedding and they are my favourite pictures right now, so in place of those I lost, here are some much better pictures.


The Nieuwhofs said...

Hey Sarah
That was a long day. Sounds like Dairy Queen is getting good business from the tour as well.
Thanks for the daily updates.
Good to hear that there are a lot of people asking questions.
Keep on rolling.....

Cheryl said...

Awww.. how cute. Is this the BBQ man?
Sounds like you are doing well (except for that little brief moment, but good thing Brian is along to cheer you up, or keep you hydrated?)
Keeping you in my prayers!
You guys are passing though my hometown a day late= I am just going to miss the tour when I am home for my sister's wedding. GRRR!

sugarnuggets said...

Amazing what a lift you get from sweet treats, and gets you in a better frame of mind and mood.....and the interesting people you meet. Again...fascinating roadkill.

Blessings today as you hit the road again....hope you had a great nap!!