Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 14: Monday: Boise, ID to Mountiain Home, ID

Actual Kms: 95 km
Overkill Kms: 10 or so into town and back.
Road Stuff: A lot of very bloody, disgusting dead racoons, cats and other "somethings". It was so bad that I had to make myself look away from the road kill so I wouldn't throw up.
Money Spent: On Sunday (I know, I know) $4 for coffee while blogging, and $10 phone card. Today-$6 omlette and coffee at the Stage Coach Restaurant 50 kms into our journey...I split it with Matt Z and $2.50 for white chocolate frozen yogurt. I should have picked a fruit yogurt. White chocolate and yogurt do not mix well.
Wipeouts: 0. I'm getting cocky.
Interesting Person Pick: Laura. She is a college aged gal who rode with us today and I enjoyed having another girl on Team Sweet. She is a good rider and has a cute bike. Also, I like how relaxed she is and how she lives life simply.
Favourite Part of the Day: Well there were a lot of little being listening to music on the road today (shh...don't tell) and finding great showers with good preassure in the beautiful junior high. Also, our stop at the restaurant was really good....but I think my favourite part of the day was walking into the library and seeing a beautiful reading room, lots of kids stuff and aisle's of books. Beautiful library's make me want to be a librarian...especially a children's librarian. I would love to be the one who gets to read books to kids and find out which books to buy. Dream job.
Worst Part of the Day: After about 10 kms of biking this morning, I felt sick. But I kept pushing onwards and after a big climb around the 25 km mark, I felt like I was going to faint and I had the cold sweats. I was really hoping I wasn't getting sick. However, I kept on biking and started praying that I wasn't sick. After I had my 10 am second breakfast, I felt much better. I had tried to take it easy on breakfast at camp (just a bagel) because I've been feeling guilty about how much I've been eating, but I guess my body is telling me that I need the energy. Or here's hoping it is. :)

This is me at the only stop from Boise to Mountain Home. It was very tasty food and, as you can see, lots of bikers stopped for coffee.

Every biker loved this sign so we couldn't resist taking a picture. It's really a Joel sign because he helped fix so many flats he would have made a killing if he charged 25 cents. Matt had to hold that light for about 15 pictures....he was loving it at the end.

We got to Mountain Home around 12:30pm, after taking our time in the restaurant and then found an ice cream place. Hans likes to yell out to moving vechiles "Hey, where's the ice cream shop?" and he usually gets an answer.

This is the local bike shop. They had a huge bike that I wanted to the owner of the bike helped me on. It was actually pretty tricky. As you can see, I'm concentrating hard so I don't make a fool of myself and fall off.

I was laughing the entire time. Mostly because I didn't know how to stop or get off the thing without falling down.
And although there is no proof, I did drive it by myself and dismount without falling.

We all thought this blue and gold jersey was very retro and cool. It was only 20 bucks so the conversation was "Who does it fit and who's going to buy it?" Therefore, we all had to try it on. Here's Hans, willing to bare his chest for any possible chance of thriftiness.

Here I am. I used the washroom to change, thank you very much. I did like the jersey, but it suited Laura much better. Plus she said we can all wear it, so it can be the lucky, retro blue jersey.

Here's Laura, excited with a new retro jersey. You look beautiful Laura and now you can match Hans' bike!

And here's Nick, showing off as usual. :) Just joking Nick. You look beautiful in blue.

Matt Z was too busy eating during the jersey trade and I don't think he had a chance of it fitting him anyways. And that is the adventures of Team Sweet so far, until tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Good evening Sarah,
Thanks for your daily reports. We are glad to find out what Matthew is up to and even see him in some of your pictures..Wow,you all looked tanned and fit as a whistle!!How are you feeling now,especially since you where not feeling well this morning? This week sounds like it will be a challenge,so we pray for safety and God's hand of protection over each and everyone of you..Make sure you all drink lots as we don't want heat or sun stroke!!Sorry,the nurse in me talking..We so would love to be there to give you all encouragement and a big hug...Take care,sincerely Wilma Z.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,
I've been missing Team Sweet daily since leaving the bike tour. I only rode with you guys 2 days, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I keep up with the tour by reading a bunch of blogs including yours. I totally wish I was biking across the country with you guys. It's killing me! I have been biking to work daily, so at least I am getting some biking in. Take care and say hi to Team Sweet for me.


Matt n Amanda said...

I love the way you write your blog. It answers so many questions. We have been keeping you guys in our prayers daily and Cheryl tipped me off to your blog! I hope you are feeling better and that today is a great one.

Sea to Sea 2008 with Sarah said...

Thanks for the comments guys. I'm feeling better today, but a little tired after the extreme heat. I drank more today than ever! Steve! I haven't forgot about sending you the pictures...however, I never take my book to library where I can email. Could you email me your address (or just email me) at We miss having you ride with us Steve and now that Joel has left, our team is smaller. Thanks Matt and Amanda for your support.