Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 10: La Grande to Baker City, OR

Actual Kms: 82 kms

Overkill Kms: 5 or so to town and back to camp.

Road Things: So many dead animals (racoons, cats, birds) that as I told Eritia, I couldn't count them all.

Money Spent: Ekk! Too much. $2.75 yummy white chocolate latte, $18 book "The Shack"/postcards, $1.25 envelope/stamp, $3.50 Black Butte Porter-I am liking this one, $14 pen and very cool hangman flip game for my classroom (you gotta have new games right?...right?). Abby can support me on this one.

Most Interesting Person Pick: Randy DeWolde who I often find blogging beside me. He is from Chilliwack, B.C and bought my Museum fare today because I didn't have the cash on me (probably due to my overspending). We hung out as the tour guide told us a lot about the hugest mineral/rock collection ever, the Oregon Trail and the Museums history. He also took some really good pictures for me. Baker City is a gold mine town that hit it big in the 1920's but kind of went down hill from there.

Favourite Part of the Day: Biking into Baker City and realizing that it was big enough to find the book I wanted and a shady spot to sit and have a drink and eat my lunch. Also, getting in at 11:45. Hoo-yah!

Worst Part of the Day: Getting up this morning at 5:30-and leaving by 7:00. It's getting harder and harder to get out of the sleeping bag knowing that I have to get back in the saddle. Also, my knee has been hurting and today's ride didn't help. I know, I know...complainer.

Today was a pretty easy ride. We had a lot of flat areas filled with wheat fields everywhere. I rode with Eritia and we kept up a pretty good pace. Before the climb we stopped in Union (a town) at a very cute coffee shop with home and garden things. I took a picture of a great antique cabinet that I thought was original for you Mom. We chilled for about 30-45 mins and saw a lot of people come in and order a coffee from the very kind owner. We also got some cute pictures.

Next there was a little bit of a climb, but we booted it up the hill at 25 clicks and enjoyed the SAG wagon at the top. When we started out descent, we saw the Blue Mountians with lots of snow on the tops and the morning air was still cool so it was a lovely ride.
I learned today that you need to be 12 inches away from the person in front of you in a pace line to catch the draft and make it easier for yourself. This is a little close for comfort, but I'm becoming better.

When we got into town, Eritia and I found a bookstore, a stationary shop and a cute little cafe to sit and have our lunch.
Then I read for a long while and found a museum with Randy and discovered more of Baker City's history. Now, I'm at the local library with 1,2,3 other cyclists, enjoying the quick internet. I will try to get my pictuers onto a USB and post them online for you all to see. Thanks for reading.


Hannah said...

Hi Miss Terpstra,
It's already day 10 and your in Oregon? WOW, that's quite the biking trip...I will have to remember my United States this Summer and practise them as you are travelling through many of them. Hope you have a great day and your knee will heel quickly too. God bless,

Art said...

?? any special reason why your photos aren't "clickable" to bring up bigger versions? Some of them are too small to pick out details.

(I'm joining the tour in GR so I'm reading all kinds of folks blogs to get a feel for what's going on.)

Art Mulder,

The Nieuwhofs said...

You are certainly learning a lot of history. It is a great way to see the country. May God heal your knee quickly. All the best from PEI.

Larry&Hazel said...

Very interesting to read your blog Sarah. It sounds like you are enjoying it all. YOu might have to rest that knee a bit...before it gets worse. YOu might have to slow your pace a bit for a few days. (what do I know) thats what Levina tells me. We will pray with you for healing and that it won't be too difficult to get up in the morning. Your doing a Great job!

Mike Jansen said...

HI Miss Terpstra
hope you have fun biking the rest of the way across U.S.A and Ontario I wish I could come too I heard that you said it was scarry biking 60km/h dwon mountains sounds fun!

Anne said...

We are thoroughly enjoying your informative blogs,especially since Corinne is such a no-news-is-good-news kinda girl.Heard from Arlene that she had a tough time with the hills.(Hope she's not giving up and riding in the SAG-mobile too often)If you see her could you tell her to check her text messages once in a while or at least turn the cell phone on in the evening.Thanks.I just finished reading "The Shack" and gave it to Corinne for thr trip. You'll have to tell me what you think of it when you get home.Keep on smiling and do you manage doing both at the same time. You're my hero.'Sterkte' with the knee.

Sea to Sea 2008 with Sarah said...

Anne, I will tell Corinne to put her phone on. :) She is doing well, it was just last Tuesday that was really tough for her, otherwise she's riding in well. She had some problems with her tent, but we got her a new one and then it blew away. It was captured and she is doing fine. She is enjoying the tour but I think sometimes in the afternoon she's a little bored. I will tell you how I like "The Shack" soon, I'm half way through and still don't know what to think. Thanks for your prayers. :) Sarah

Thanks everyone else for commenting and Hi!

Abby said...

Yes, games are absolutley essential to life!!! hehe

Love you!